

Error in Quran

Error in Quran

[8:65] Hai Nabi, kobarkanlah semangat para mukmin itu untuk berperang. Jika ada dua puluh orang yang sabar di antara kamu, niscaya mereka dapat mengalahkan dua ratus orang musuh. Dan jika ada seratus orang (yang sabar) di antaramu, mereka dapat mengalahkan seribu daripada orang-orang kafir, disebabkan orang-orang kafir itu kaum yang tidak mengerti.


[8:66] Sekarang Allah telah meringankan kepadamu dan Dia telah mengetahui bahwa padamu ada kelemahan. Makajika ada di antaramu seratus orang yang sabar, niscaya mereka dapat mengalahkan dua ratus orang; dan jika di antaramu ada seribu orang (yang sabar), niscaya mereka dapat mengalahkan dua ribu orang dengan seizin Allah. Dan Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar.

Yang mana benar:

seratus orang (yang sabar) di antaramu, mereka dapat mengalahkan seribu [8:65]


seratus orang yang sabar, niscaya mereka dapat mengalahkan dua ratus orang [8:66]
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Menjenguk Non Islam Haram hukumnya

Menjenguk Non Islam Haram hukumnya

Berikut petikannya:

Bolehkah Menjenguk Non Muslim yang sakit ?
Penulis: Ustadz Abu Hamzah Yusuf
Muammalah, 01 - Agustus - 2003, 08:14:53

Tanya: Assalamu 'alaikum wa rohmatullah wa barokatuh. Ustadz, saya mau bertanya, saya punya tetangga yang sakit tetapi non muslim, apa ada kewajiban untuk menjenguknya? Syukron. (Hamba Allah, Bandung).

Jawab: Wa' alaikum salam wa rohmatullah wa barokatuh. Sebelum menjawab pertanyaan saudara, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam hal 'iyadatul maridh / menjenguk orang sakit.

Pertama: menjenguk orang sakit adalah perkara yang dianjurkan dan disunnahkan, bukan dari perkara-perkara yang wajib.

Kedua: tidak semua orang yang sakit harus dijenguk, maksudnya adalah jika sakitnya mencegah dia dari keluar rumah dan bertemu dengan orang-orang, maka disunnahkan untuk menjenguknya. Adapun kalau dengan sakitnya masih dapat keluar rumah dan dapat bertemu dengan orang-orang maka tidak harus untuk menjenguknya. Kami perjelas dengan satu contoh: orang yang menderita flu misalnya, jika flunya ringan sehingga ia masih dapat jalan-jalan keluar rumah dan lain sebagainya, maka tidak dijenguk, tapi kalau flunya berat, menahannya dari keluar rumah dan aktivitas lainnya, maka harus dijenguk, dan demikian seterusnya.

Ketiga : Mengenai menjenguk orang sakit yang non muslim, maka tidak boleh untuk menjenguknya dan haram hukumnya,menjenguknya dalam rangka mengajak kepada Islam, telah ada dari Rosulullah SAW bahwasanya beliau menjenguk seorang yahudi di penghujung kematiannya kemudian beliau mengajaknya masuk Islam, lalu dia (yahudi) melirik ke bapaknya seperti ingin minta pendapatnya, kemudian bapaknya berkata, "Taatilah Muhammad.", lalu dia (yahudi) mengucapkan syahadat, dan masuk Islam. (HR Bukhari). Wallahul Musta'an.

Jadi jelas sekali bahwa menjenguk non islam yang sakit itu forbidden oleh shariah TERKECUALI mengajaknya masuk islam (muallaf).....bener bener Rahmatan Lil 'alam

Muhammad hanya menghalalkan mengunjungi KAFIR (non islam) jika tujuannya adalah UNTUK MENGISLAMKAN mereka. Itu fakta dan muslim tidak mampu menghadirkan hadist yang melawan itu.
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Sisipan Palsu dalam Tarjamah Quran

Sisipan Palsu dalam Tarjamah Quran

Setelah membaca perikop Quran dalam bahasa arab, ternyata ada ayat palsu yg disisipkan oleh tarjamahan Quran Diraja Malaysia dan Depag RI yg mana tiada tercantum dalam naskah asli Quran berbahasa arab., berikut dibawah ini sebagai example (contoh):

sebagai contoh Quran versi DEPAG RI:

QS 5:68. Katakanlah: "Hai Ahli Kitab, kamu tidak dipandang beragama sedikitpun hingga kamu menegakkan ajaran-ajaran Taurat, Injil, dan Al Quran yang diturunkan kepadamu dari Tuhanmu." Sesungguhnya apa yang diturunkan kepadamu (Muhammad) dari Tuhanmu akan menambah kedurhakaan dan kekafiran kepada kebanyakan dari mereka; maka janganlah kamu bersedih hati terhadap orang-orang yang kafir itu.

dari yg saya boldkan ("dan Al Quran") ini tiada tertulis dalam mushaf Quran berbahasa arab, yang lebih lucu lagi tarjamah Quran malaysia, apakah kedua nagara yg berugama Islam ini tau tulisan Arab???

sebagai contoh Quran versi Malaysia:

Katakanlah: "Wahai Ahli Kitab! Kamu tidak dikira mempunyai sesuatu ugama sehingga kamu tegakkan ajaran Kitab-kitab Taurat dan Injil (yang membawa kamu percaya kepada Nabi Muhammad) dan apa yang diturunkan kepada kamu dari Tuhan kamu (iaitu Al-Quran)" ...........

Tetapi dalam TEXT QURAN (Bahasa Arab) tiada pernah mencantumkan kata "dan Quran (versi indo)" atau "iatu Al Quran (versi malaysia)", berikut petikannya:

QS 5:68

Qul ya ahla alkitabi lastum AAala shayin hatta tuqeemoo alttawrata waalinjeela wama onzila ilaykum min rabbikum.........

Tarjamah Bebas:

"Katakanlah wahai Ahli Kitab, sesungguhnya engkau (Ahli Kitab) tidak dipandang sedikitpun beragama hingga menegakkan ajaran yang tertulis dalam TAURAT dan Injil yang telah diturunkan kepadamu (Ahli Kitab) dari Tuhanmu.......

Ayat ini bercerita tentang hubungan Ahlul kitab (Jews dan Kristian) dengan Tuhannya beserta kitabnya (Taurat dan Injeel) dan bukan hubungan muslim dengan Tuhannya beserta kitabnya (quran). Dikarenakan apa saya bisa mengatakan hal demikian?? dikarenakan 2 faktor iatu:
  1. Disana tertulis kata " ilaykum" yg bermakna "bagimu", kata "bagimu" itu merujuk kepada Ahli Kitab (Yahudi dan kristian) dan bukan Islam / Muhammad (Quran).
  2. At Tawrata wal Injeela iatu bermakna "Taurat dan Injil" ini merujuk kepada kitab yg ada pada Ahli Kitab (Taurat dan Injil).
Yang menjadi soalan yakni

  1. kenapa disisipkan (frase kata palsu) "dan Quran / iatu Al Quran" padahal jelas sekali dalam Quran berbahasa arab tidak ada tertulis kata "dan Quran / iatu Al Quran"
  2. Kontek kalimatnya sahaja menceritakan tentang Ahlul Kitab bukan Islam
  3. Kontek kalimat "ilaykoum" itu sahaja merujuk kepada Ahlul Kitab dan bukan Islam
Kenapa begitu lancang tangan jahil dari penerjemah Quran yang begitu tega menyisipkan sisipan palsu dalam Quran, dimana text aslinya (bahasa arab) tiada pernah menuliskan hal itu (sisipan)??
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Nasib Captive Womens dalam Islam

Nasib Captive Womens dalam Islam

Islam dengan true facaenya (taqiyya wal taquiah) mengatakan bahwa Islam adalah agama damai bagi alam semesta (Rahmatan lil 'alam), dan menjunjung tinggi nilai HAM, tapi apakah benar hal itu??? ataukah sekedar hoax dari Islamic Scholar untuk menutupi nanah busuk agama Islam tersebut??....mari kita baca petikan Sirakh Nabawiyyah dibawah ini:

Pembagian Fay'l (Harta rampasan perang)

Ibnu Ishaq berkata, "Setelah itu, Rasulullah SAW membagi-bagi kekayaan, wanita-wanita, dan anak-anak Bani Quraidbah kepada kaum Muslimin. Hari itu juga, beliau mengumumkan jalah tentata berkuda (kavalerl}, jatah tentara pejalan kaki {infantri), dan mengeluarkan seperlima daripadanya. Tentara bekuda (kavalerl) mendapat tiga jatah; dua latah untuk kuda dan satu jatah untuk penunggangnya. Sedang tentara pejalan kaki (infantri) mendapatkan satu jatah. Jumlah kuda Bam Quraidhah ketika itu adalah tiga puluh enam ekor. Itulah fay'l yang pertama kali dibagi sesuai dengan wpedima darlpadanya dikeluarkan, dan sunnah Ra&ulullah SAW dalam pembagian fay'i dl perarig. Setelah itu, Rasulullah SAW mengirim Sa'ad bin Zaid Al-Anshari saudara Banl Abdul Asyhal membawa tawanan-tawanan wanita Bani Quraidhah ke Najed dan menukar mereka dengan kuda-kuda dan senjata."

wah...wah.. seringkali Islamic Scholar berhujah bahwa "muhammad" menikahi janda janda agar dapat menolongnya, tapi kok kenyataannya para budak khumus (captives women) ditukar dengan kuda??? kok tidak dinikahi agar seturut dengan "sunnah rasoul"??? Bukankah ISLAM sangat MENGHARGAI martabat wanita?? kenapa sekarang malah DITELANTARKAN dan di tukar dgn kuda??

Setelah itu marilah kita simak penuturan Hadist tentang nasib captive womens in Islam, berikut tulisannya:

Sunnah Rasoul (Hadist) ===> wajib dicontoh muslim kaffah !!!!

MUSLIM, Book 008, Number 3388:
Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) reported: We used to practise 'azl during the lifetime of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). This (the news of this practise) reached Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him), and he did not forbid us.

BUKHARI, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 637:
Narrated Buraida:
The Prophet sent 'Ali to Khalid to bring the Khumus (of the booty) and I hated Ali, and 'Ali had taken a bath (after a sexual act with a slave-girl from the Khumus). I said to Khalid, "Don't you see this (i.e. Ali)?" When we reached the Prophet I mentioned that to him. He said, "O Buraida! Do you hate Ali?" I said, "Yes." He said, "Do you hate him, for he deserves more than that from the Khumus."

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3371:
Abu Sirma berkata kepada Abu Sa’id al Khadri: O Abu Sa’id, apakah kau mendengar Rasul Allah berkata tentang al-azl (coitus interruptus)? Dia berkata: Ya, dan menambahkan: Kami pergi bersama Rasul Allah dalam perjalanan ke Bi’l-Mustaliq dan mengambil tawanan2 wanita Arab yang cantik2; kami terangsang melihat mereka, karena kami jauh dari istri2 kami, (tapi pada saat yang sama) kami juga ingin menggunakan mereka sebagai sandra untuk ditebus (dengan uang). Karena itu kami mengambil keputusan untuk berhubungan seks dengan mereka (captive womens) tapi dengan melakukan azl (coitus interruptus)

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3373:
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri melaporkan: Kami menangkap tawanan2 wanita dan kami ingin melakukan ‘azl/coitus interruptus dengan mereka

Sungguh malang nian harkat dan martabat wanita setelah jatuh ditangan Islam, agama "pecinta damai" ini sudah jatuh (tertangkap Islam) tertimpa penis muslim pulak (di coitus)....benar benar Agama Rahmatan lil 'alam....memang Islam hanya cocok bagi muslim yang berakhlaq rendah berotak sperma...entah nabi ataupun pengikut sama sahaja, wallahu'alam bishwob.
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Pekerjaan Muslim di Brothel allaah

Pekerjaan Muslim di Brothel allaah

Mungkin kita akan bertanya dalam hati kita kelak jika moslems di syurga apa yang dia lakukan??bagaimana nasib para kafir (non islam) kelak menurut Quran??....berikut petikan gambaran syurga islam (brothel allaah) menurut Quran dan Sunnah Muhammad, seperti dibawah ini:

Gambaran syurga (brothel allaah) menurut Muhammad the virginity ripper, berikut petikannya:

"Suatu kali Rasulullah pernah ditanya sahabat tentang hal ini. "Apakah penghuni surga melakukan persetubuhan?" Beliau menjawab, "Ya, dengan penyemburan yang keras, dengan kemaluan yang tidak lemas dan dengan syahwat yang tidak terputus, tetapi tidak keluar air mani sedikitpun, baik dari lelaki atau perempuan. Apabila selesai, perempuan kembali bersih dan kembali perawan." (HR. Ibnu Hibban).

kemudian marilah kita melangkah jauh kedalam Quran dengan Ahli Tafseer Quran yang terpercaya, berikut petikannya:

Sura Yaa Siin ayat 55
Sesungguhnya penghuni surga pada hari itu bersenang-senang dalam kesibukan (mereka).

Menurut kepada Tafseer Al Quran baqlam Al Jalalani,memberikan suatu indikasi yakni seperti dibawah ini:

Penghuni surga saat ini sedang sibuk bersenang-senang dalam kesibukan (fakehoun)

Yang menjadi ini permasalahan adalah frase kata "fakehoun" yg bererti virginity ripper in brothel allaah, bahkan yang lebih tajamnya adalah Tafseer Al Quran baqlam al- 'Ouaza'i, yang merupakan Islamic scholar pertama memeberikan tafsernya tentang ayat quran tadi (baca: Ihy'a 'Uloum ed-Din by Ghazali, Dar al-Kotob al-'Elmeyah, Beirut, Vol IV, p. 575.), kemudian seorang Ahli Tafseer Quran bernama Ibn 'Abbas dalam bukunya "Ibn 'Abbas, Tanweer al-Miqbas, commenting on Q 36:55" mengatakan hal yang sama dengan Tafseer Al Jalalani.

Dalam tradisi Islam Arab, memerawani wanita (virginity ripper) itu dianggap kenikmatan yang surgawi. Karena itulah Muhammad sibuk janji janji kosong pada para Mujahidin dan jihadis jouris bahwa kalau mereka mau mati demi dia, nanti di surga dapat banyak perawan (houris) yang siap disetubuhi dan berdada montok. Sungguh janji murahan yang cocok diberikan bagi pria islam yang akhlak rendah berotak sperma.

Sebagai sebuah addendum (tambahan) koleksi gambaran brothel allaah ala Islam dan nabinya (virginity ripper), seperti dibawah ini:

TIRMZI, vol. 2 states on page 138:
Every man who enters paradise shall be given 72 (seventy-two) houris; no matter at what age he had died, when he is admitted into paradise, he will become a thirty-year-old, and shall not age any further. A man in paradise shall be given virility equal to that of one hundred men.

Setiap pria yang masuk surga akan diberi 72 houris; tidak peduli dalam usia berapa dia mati, ketika dia masuk surga, dia akan berusia 30 tahun dan tidak akan pernah menjadi tua. Seorang pria yang masuk surga akan diberi daya kejantanan (untuk ngeseks) yang sama dengan 100 orang.

The Sex Market of Heaven (Islamic brothel = pasar pelacuran di surga):
Hadith: Al hadiths, Vol. 4, Page-172, No.34:
Hozrot Ali (r.a) narrated that the Apostle of Allah said, “There is in paradise an open market wherein there will be no buying or selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a beauty, at once he will have intercourse with them as desired.

Book by the great Imam Ghazzali: Ihya Uloom Ed-Din. The Sunnis consider this epic as next to Quran. Volume 4, Page-4.430
“According to Prophet Muhammad (SW) the Hurs of Paradise will be pure women—free of menstruation, urine, stool, cough and children. The Hurs will sing in Paradise on divine purity and praise—we are most beautiful Hurs and we are for the honored husbands.
Muhammad said that an inmate of Paradise will have the sexual strength of 70 men. Muhammad said, “An inmate of Paradise will have 500 Hurs, 4,000 unmarried women and 8,000 widowed women. Each of them will keep embracing him for the duration of his whole worldly life.”

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Muhammad melanggar Quran, benarkah???

Muhammad melanggar Quran, benarkah???

Benarkah nabi "Rahmatan lil 'alam" ini mematuhi Quran yang konon wahyu illahi?? apakah hanya sekedar hoax dan fitnah para kafir2 serta murtadin sahaja??.....mari kita buktikan sejauh mana Muhammad menaati Hukum Quran, berikut petikannya seperti dibawah ini:

Dalel Quran:

[4:11] Allah mensyariatkan bagimu tentang (pembagian pusaka untuk) anak-anakmu. Yaitu: bahagian seorang anak lelaki sama dengan bahagian dua orang anak perempuan; dan jika anak itu semuanya perempuan lebih dari dua, maka bagi mereka dua pertiga dari harta yang ditinggalkan; jika anak perempuan itu seorang saja, maka ia memperoleh separo harta. Dan untuk dua orang ibu-bapak, bagi masing-masingnya seperenam dari harta yang ditinggalkan, jika yang meninggal itu mempunyai anak; jika orang yang meninggal tidak mempunyai anak dan ia diwarisi oleh ibu-bapaknya (saja), maka ibunya mendapat sepertiga; jika yang meninggal itu mempunyai beberapa saudara, maka ibunya mendapat seperenam. (Pembagian-pembagian tersebut di atas) sesudah dipenuhi wasiat yang ia buat atau (dan) sesudah dibayar utangnya. (Tentang) orang tuamu dan anak-anakmu, kamu tidak mengetahui siapa di antara mereka yang lebih dekat (banyak) manfaatnya bagimu. Ini adalah ketetapan dari Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana.

Conclusi dari petikan dalel Quran diatas iatu "bahwa setiap anak perempuan seorang sahaja maka berhak mendapatkan separo harta"

Kemudian kita lanjutkan petikan hadist dibawah ini:

MUSLIM, Book 019, Number 4355:
It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: My heirs cannot share even a dinar (from my legacy) ; what I leave behind after paving mtintenance allowance to my wives and remuneration to my manager is (to go in) charity.

Terjemahan Bebas:
Telah diceritakan dalam otoritas Abu Huraira bahwa Rasul allah berkata: Ahli warisku tidak akan mendapatkan bahkan SATU DINAR pun (dari warisanku). Apa yang tertinggal setelah MENUTUPI TUNJANGAN HIDUP Istri-Istri dan setelah Membayar BIAYA MANAJERku akan dipergunakan untuk AMAL/DERMA.

Yang menjadi persoalan besar dalam petikan hadist diatas iatu:

  1. KENAPA lalu muhammad tidak membagikan 1/2 harta yang dimilikinya buat fatimah???
  2. Kenapa muhammad hanya meninggalkan hartanya untuk istri-istrinya saja dan membagikan sisanya untuk amal???
  3. Beginikah contoh seorang "nabi" yang menelantarkan anaknya seorang???
  4. Dimanakan letak kejujuran akhlaq seorang "nabi" yg melanggar hukum quran???
  5. Bagaimanakah nasib fatimah kelak tanpa harta warisan "child abuser" (Mohammed)???
Kemudian, bagaimanakah kelanjutan nasib Fatimah tersebut, apakah dia ridha tiada mendapat warisan ataukah dendam (marah) hingga dia mati??....simaklah penuturan Hadist dibawah ini:

BUKHARI, Volume 8, Book 80, Number 718:
Narrated 'Aisha:
Fatima and Al 'Abbas came to Abu Bakr, seeking their share from the property of Allah's Apostle and at that time, they were asking for their land at Fadak and their share from Khaibar. Abu Bakr said to them, " I have heard from Allah's Apostle saying, 'Our property cannot be inherited, and whatever we leave is to be spent in charity, but the family of Muhammad may take their provisions from this property." Abu Bakr added, "By Allah, I will not leave the procedure I saw Allah's Apostle following during his lifetime concerning this property." Therefore Fatima left Abu Bakr and did not speak to him till she died.

BUKHARI, Volume 4, Book 53, Number 325:
Narrated 'Aisha:
(mother of the believers) After the death of Allah 's Apostle Fatima the daughter of Allah's Apostle asked Abu Bakr As-Siddiq to give her, her share of inheritance from what Allah's Apostle had left of the Fai (i.e. booty gained without fighting) which Allah had given him. Abu Bakr said to her, "Allah's Apostle said, 'Our property will not be inherited, whatever we (i.e. prophets) leave is Sadaqa (to be used for charity)." Fatima, the daughter of Allah's Apostle got angry and stopped speaking to Abu Bakr, and continued assuming that attitude till she died. Fatima remained alive for six months after the death of Allah's Apostle.

Sungguh malang nian nasib fatimah sudah tiada dapat warisan....malah mati dengan penuh kemarahan kepada si laknat Abu Bakr pengganti muhammad, memang benar bahwa buah hasil jarahan memang membawa petaka....begitulah akhir hidup fatimah, wallahu'alam bishwab
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Dapat darimanakah kekayaan Muhammad???

Dapat darimanakah kekayaan Muhammad???

A. allah menjanjikan harta rampasan perang yang banyak dan muhammad dan allah adalah PEMILIK harta rampasan perang tsb!

[8:1] Mereka menanyakan kepadamu tentang (pembagian) harta rampasan perang. Katakanlah: "Harta rampasan perang itu kepunyaan Allah dan Rasul, sebab itu bertakwalah kepada Allah dan perbaikilah perhubungan di antara sesamamu, dan taatlah kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya jika kamu adalah orang-orang yang beriman".

[59:7] Apa saja harta rampasan (fai-i) yang diberikan Allah kepada Rasul-Nya yang berasal dari penduduk kota-kota maka adalah untuk Allah, Rasul, kerabat Rasul, anak-anak yatim, orang-orang miskin dan orang-orang yang dalam perjalanan, supaya harta itu jangan hanya beredar di antara orang-orang kaya saja di antara kamu. Apa yang diberikan Rasul kepadamu maka terimalah dia. Dan apa yang dilarangnya bagimu maka tinggalkanlah; dan bertakwalah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah sangat keras hukuman-Nya.

[8:41] Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya apa saja yang dapat kamu peroleh sebagai rampasan perang, maka sesungguhnya seperlima untuk Allah, Rasul, kerabat Rasul, anak-anak yatim, orang-orang miskin dan ibnusabil, jika kamu beriman kepada Allah dan kepada apa yang Kami turunkan kepada hamba Kami (Muhammad) di hari Furqaan, yaitu di hari bertemunya dua pasukan. Dan Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu.

[48:20] Allah menjanjikan kepada kamu harta rampasan yang banyak yang dapat kamu ambil, maka disegerakan-Nya harta rampasan ini untukmu dan Dia menahan tangan manusia dari (membinasakan) mu (agar kamu mensyukuri-Nya) dan agar hal itu menjadi bukti bagi orang-orang mukmin dan agar Dia menunjuki kamu kepada jalan yang lurus.

B. allah membuat muhamad KAYA lewat perang BAHKAN mampu membayar hutang-hutang yang belum terbayarkan oleh muslim yang meninggal dunia!

BUKHARI, Volume 3, Book 37, Number 495:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Whenever a dead man in debt was brought to Allah's Apostle he would ask, "Has he left anything to repay his debt?" If he was informed that he had left something to repay his debts, he would offer his funeral prayer, otherwise he would tell the Muslims to offer their friend's funeral prayer. When Allah made the Prophet wealthy through conquests, he said, "I am more rightful than other believers to be the guardian of the believers, so if a Muslim dies while in debt, I am responsible for the repayment of his debt, and whoever leaves wealth (after his death) it will belong to his heirs. "

C. Pada saat Khaibar ditaklukkan, SEPERLIMA Hasil PANEN Yahudi dari daerah tersebut adalah milik muhammad

MUSLIM, Book 010, Number 3761:
'Abdullah b. Umar (Allah be pleased with them) reported that when Khaibar had been conquered, the Jews asked Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) to let them continue (cultivation in those lands) on half of the share of yield in fruits and crop, whereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: I will allow you to continue here, so long as we would desire. The rest of the hadith is the same, but with this addition:" The fruit would be distributed equal to the half of Khaibar. And out of hall of the produce of the land, Allah's Apostle (may peace be be upon him) got the fifth part."

D. muhammad menerima HARTA Khusus dan istimewa dari Banu an-Nadir, Khaybar dan Fadak

ABU DAWUD, Book 19, Number 2961:
Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab:
Malik ibn Aws al-Hadthan said: One of the arguments put forward by Umar was that he said that the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) received three things exclusively to himself: Banu an-Nadir, Khaybar and Fadak. The Banu an-Nadir property was kept wholly for his emergent needs, Fadak for travellers, and Khaybar was divided by the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) into three sections: two for Muslims, and one as a contribution for his family. If anything remained after making the contribution of his family, he divided it among the poor Emigrants.


ABU DAWUD, Book 14, Number 2737:
Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) sent a detachment to Najd. I went out along with them, and got abundant riches. Our commander gave each of us a camel as a reward. We then came upon the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) and he divided the spoils of war among us. Each of us received twelve camels after taking a fifth of it. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) did not take account of our companion (i.e. the commander of the army), nor did he blame him for what he had done. Thus each man of us had received thirteen camels with the reward he gave.

ABU DAWUD, Book 14, Number 2742:
Narrated Habib ibn Maslamah al-Fihri:
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) would give a third of the spoils after he would keep off the fifth.

Anda bisa kalkulasikan harta kekayaan setiap perang yang dilakukan "nabi pecinta damai" ini dari seorang yang membawa "Rahmatan lil 'alam" dan contoh dari seorang "Insanul Kamil"????
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Muhammad sayang pada Fatimah???

Muhammad sayang pada Fatimah???

Marilah kita mengkaji, apakah muhammad sayang pada anaknya (fatimah)??, berikut petikan hadistnya seperti dibawah ini:

BUKHARI, Volume 8, Book 75, Number 330:
Narrated 'Ali:
Fatima complained about the blisters on her hand because of using a mill-stone. She went to ask the Prophet for servant, but she did not find him (at home) and had to inform 'Aisha of her need. When he came, 'Aisha informed him about it. Ali added: The Prophet came to us when we had gone to our beds. When I was going to get up, he said, "'Stay in your places," and sat between us, till I felt the coolness of the feet on my chest. The Prophet then said, "Shall I not tell you of a thing which is better for you than a servant? When you (both) go to your beds, say 'Allahu Akbar' thirty-four times, and 'Subhan Allah' thirty-three times, 'Alhamdu 'illah' thirty-three times, for that is better for you than a servant." Ibn Sirin said, "Subhan Allah' (is to be said for) thirty-four times."

Inti ceritera ini
Ketika tangan fatima bengkak/luka karena menggiling biji-bijian (gandum), dia meminta seorang pembantu kpd bapaknya. Bukan pembantu yang didapat fatima, namun cuma anjuran mengucapkan 'Allahu Akbar' 34 KALI, dan 'Subhan Allah' 33 KALI, 'Alhamdu 'illah' 33 KALI. ... Karena ucapan itu lebih penting drpd seorang pembantu!.....Beginikah sikap sayang ayah kepada anaknya??? apalagi bergelar "nabi"???
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Aisha adalah Lonte

Aisha adalah Lonte

Istri Muhammad adalah seorang lonte

Dinukilkan di dalam kitab Ikhtiyar Ma'rifatur Rijal karya At Thusi hal. 57-60 bahwa Abdullah bin Abbas pernah berkata kepada Aisyah: "Kamu tidak lain hanyalah seorang lonte dari sembilan lonte yang ditinggalkan oleh Rasulullah."
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Muhammad are nudist maniac

Muhammad are nudist maniac

wow...muhamMAD tak sadarkan diri dan TELANJANG!...

BUKHARI, Volume 1, Book 8, Number 360:
Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah:

While Allah's Apostle was carrying stones (along) with the people of Mecca for (the building of) the Ka'ba wearing an Izar (waist-sheet cover), his uncle Al-'Abbas said to him, "O my nephew! (It would be better) if you take off your Izar and put it over your shoulders underneath the stones." So he took off his Izar and put it over his shoulders, but he fell unconscious and since then he had never been seen naked.

muhamMAD TELANJANG lagi...hi...hi..hi...

MUSLIM, Book 003, Number 0671:
Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was carrying along with them (his people) stones for the Ka'ba and there was a waist wrapper around him. His uncle," Abbas, said to him: 0 son of my brother! if you take off the lower garment and place it on the shoulders underneath the stones, it would be better. He (the Holy Prophet) took it off and placed it on his shoulder and fell down unconscious. He (the narrator) said: Never was he seen naked after that day.

ketika muhamMAD sadar, muhamMAD teriak-teriak...bajuku...bajuku...baju pentup pinggangku!..hi...hi...hi..

BUKHARI, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 170:
Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah:

When the Ka'ba was rebuilt, the Prophet and 'Abbas went to carry stones. 'Abbas said to the Prophet "(Take off and) put your waist sheet over your neck so that the stones may not hurt you." (But as soon as he took off his waist sheet) he fell unconscious on the ground with both his eyes towards the sky. When he came to his senses, he said, "My waist sheet! My waist sheet!" Then he tied his waist sheet (round his waist).

LAGI-lagi muhamMAD teriak-teriak setelah bangun sadar...bajuku!..bajuku...baju bagian bawahku!...hi...hi..hi...

MUSLIM, Book 003, Number 0670:
Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported: When the Ka'ba was constructed the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) and Abbas went and lifted stones. Abbas said to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him): Place your lower garment on your shoulder (so that you may protect yourself from the roughness and hardness of stones). He (the Holy Prophet) did this, but fell down upon the ground in a state of unconciousness and his eyes were turned towards the sky. He then stood up and said: My lower garment, my lower garment; and this wrapper was tied around him. In the hadith transmitted by Ibn Rafi', there is the word:" On his neck" and he did not say:" Upon his shoulder."

BEGINILAH para NUDIST melakukan ritual NUDISM!...semua penuh KETELANJANGAN!...

MUSLIM, Book 003, Number 0672:
Al-Miswar b. Makhrama reported: I was carrying a heavy stone and my lower garment was loose, and it, therefore, slipped off (so soon) that I could not place the stone (on the ground) and carry to its proper place. Upon this the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Return to your cloth (lower garment), take it (and tie it around your waist) and do not walk naked.

wow...kebiasaan para NUDIST adalah membayangkan orang lain telanjang...muhamMAD juga melakukan hal yang sama...muhamMAD membayangkan MOSES telanjang...hi..hi...

BUKHARI, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 616:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "(The Prophet) Moses was a shy person and used to cover his body completely because of his extensive shyness. One of the children of Israel hurt him by saying, 'He covers his body in this way only because of some defect in his skin, either leprosy or scrotal hernia, or he has some other defect.' Allah wished to clear Moses of what they said about him, so one day while Moses was in seclusion, he took off his clothes and put them on a stone and started taking a bath. When he had finished the bath, he moved towards his clothes so as to take them, but the stone took his clothes and fled; Moses picked up his stick and ran after the stone saying, 'O stone! Give me my garment!' Till he reached a group of Bani Israel who saw him naked then, and found him the best of what Allah had created, and Allah cleared him of what they had accused him of. The stone stopped there and Moses took and put his garment on and started hitting the stone with his stick. By Allah, the stone still has some traces of the hitting, three, four or five marks. This was what Allah refers to in His Saying:-- "O you who believe! Be you not like those Who annoyed Moses, But Allah proved his innocence of that which they alleged, And he was honorable In Allah's Sight." (33.69)

MUSLIM, Book 030, Number 5849:
Hammam b. Munabbih reported that Abu Huraira reported many ahadith from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and one, of them speaks that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) is reported to have said: Banu Isra'il used to take bath (together) naked and thus saw private parts of one another, but Moses (peace be upon him) used to take bath alone (in privacy), and they said: By Allah, nothing prevents Moses to take bath along with us; but scrotal hernia. One day when he (Moses) was taking bath (alone) he placed his clothes upon a stone, but the stone began to move along with his clothes. Moses raced after it saying: My garment, stone; until (some of the people) of Banu Isra'il looked at the private parts of Moses, and they said: By Allah, there is no trouble with Moses. The stone stopped after he (Moses) had been seen. He took hold of his garments and struck the stone. Abu Huraira said: I swear by Allah that there were six or seven scars on the stone because of the striking of stone by Moses (peace be upon him).

Sirat Rasulullah Ibn Ishaq, book 1 :
The apostle of Allah later told how Allah had preserved him in his childhood and state of innocence, saying, ‘I was among Quraysh boys and we were carrying stones for some play. We were all naked, and every boy had placed his ezar [loincloth] around his neck to carry stones in it, and I had done the same. When I was thus moving about, some Being whom I did see struck me a fearful blow and exclaimed, “Bind on thy ezar “; accordinglyl I girded myself therewith, and thus carried the stones on my neck, I being the only one among my companions who wore his ezar.’

Imam Tabari (Tabari, vol 8 ):
"One day Muhammad went out looking for Zaid (Mohammed's adopted son). Now there was a covering of hair cloth over the doorway, but the wind had lifted the covering so that the doorway was uncovered. Zaynab was in her chamber, undressed, and admiration for her entered the heart of the Prophet".
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Why do Muslims think that Islam is true?

There are many religions. Why do Muslims think that Islam is true.
Is there any factual basis?


Praise be to Allah.

This is a reasonable enough question for one who has not entered Islam, but one who believes in and practices this religion already knows the blessings which are his because of this religion. There are many reasons for this, which include the following:

(1) The Muslim worships One God, Who has no partner, and Who has the most beautiful names and the highest attributes. Thus the Muslim’s focus and aim is concentrated, focused on His Lord and Creator; he puts his trust in Him and asks Him for help, patience and support; he believes that Allaah is able to do all things, and has no need of a wife or son. Allaah created the heavens and earth; He is the One Who gives life and death; He is the Creator and Sustainer from Whom the slave seeks provision. He is the All-Hearing Who responds to the supplication of His slave, and from Whom the slave hopes for a response. He is the All-Merciful and All-Forgiving, to Whom the slave turns in repentance when he has committed a sin or fallen short in his worship of Allaah. He is the Omniscient and All-Seeing, who knows all intentions and what is hidden in people’s hearts. The slave feels ashamed to commit a sin by doing wrong to himself or to others, because his Lord is watching over him and sees all that he does. He knows that Allaah is All-Wise, the Seer of the Unseen, so he trusts that what Allaah decrees for him is good; he knows that Allaah will never be unjust to him, and that everything that Allaah decrees for him is good, even if he does not understand the wisdom behind it.

(2) The effects of Islaamic worship on the soul of the Muslim include the following:
Prayer keeps the slave in contact with his Lord; if he enters it in a spirit of humiliation and concentration, he will feel tranquil and secure, because he is seeking a "powerful support," which is Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted. For this reason, the Prophet of Islaam, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say: "Let us find relaxation and joy in prayer." If something distressed him, he would hasten to pray. Everyone who finds himself faced with disaster and tries prayer finds strength, patience and consolation, because he is reciting the words of his Lord, which cannot be compared to the effect of the words of a created being. If the words of some psychologists can offer a little comfort, what do you think of the words of the One Who created the psychologist?

Now let us look at zakaat, which is one of the pillars of Islaam. Zakaat purifies the soul from stinginess and miserliness, and accustoms people to being generous and helping the poor and needy. It will bring a great reward on the Day of Resurrection, just like other forms of worship. It is not burdensome, like man-made taxes; it is only 25 in every thousand, which the sincere Muslim pays willingly and does not try to evade or wait until someone chases him for it.

Fasting involves refraining from food and sex. It is a form of worship, and a way in which one can feel the hunger of those who are deprived. It is also a reminder of the blessings of the Creator, and it brings rewards beyond measure.

Hajj is the Pilgrimage to the sacred House of Allaah, which was built by Ibraaheem (Abraham, upon whom be peace). By performing Hajj one is obeying the command of Allaah and the call to come and meet Muslims from all over the world.

(3) Islaam commands all kinds of good and forbids all kinds of evil. It encourages good manners and proper treatment of others. It enjoins good characteristics such as truthfulness, patience, deliberation, kindness, humility, modesty, keeping promises, dignity, mercy, justice, courage, patience, friendliness, contentment, chastity, good treatment, tolerance, trustworthiness, gratitude for favours, and self-control in times of anger. Islaam commands the Muslim to fulfil his duty towards his parents and to uphold family ties, to help the needy, to treat neighbours well, to protect and safeguard the wealth of the orphan, to be gentle with the young and show respect to the old, to be kind to servants and animals, to remove harmful things from the road, to speak kind words, to forgive at the time when one has the opportunity to take revenge, to be sincere towards one’s fellow-Muslims, to meet the needs of the Muslims, to give the debtor time to repay his debt, to prefer others over oneself, to console others, to greet people with a smiling face, to visit the sick, to support the one who is oppressed, to give gifts to friends, to honour his guest, to treat his wife kindly and spend on her and her children, to spread the greeting of peace (salaam) and to seek permission before entering another person’s house, lest one see something private that the other person does not want one to see.

Some non-Muslims may do these things out of politeness or good manners, but they are not seeking reward from Allaah or salvation of the Day of Judgement.

If we look at what Islam has prohibited, we will find that it is in the interests of both the individual and society as a whole. All these prohibitions serve to safeguard the relationship between the slave and his Lord, and the relationship of the individual with himself and with his fellow-man. The following examples demonstrate this:

Islam forbids the association of anything in worship with Allaah and the worship of anything other than Allaah, because this spells doom and misery. Islaam also forbids visiting or believing soothsayers and fortune-tellers; magic or witchcraft that may cause a rift between two people or bring them together; belief in the influence of the stars on events and people’s lives; cursing time, because Allaah is directing its affairs; and superstition, because this is pessimism.

Islam forbids cancelling out good deeds by showing off, boasting or reminding others of one’s favours; bowing or prostrating to anything other than Allaah; sitting with hypocrites or immoral people for the purposes of enjoying their company or keeping them company; and invoking the curse or wrath of Allaah on one another or damning one another to Hell.

Islaam forbids urinating into stagnant water; defecating on the side of the road or in places where people seek shade or where they draw water; from facing the qiblah (direction of prayer) or turning one’s back towards it when passing water or stools; holding one’s penis in one’s right hand when passing water; giving the greeting of salaam (peace) to one who is answering the call of nature; and putting one’s hand into any vessel before washing it, when one has just woken up.

Islaam forbids the offering of any nafl (supererogatory) prayers when the sun is rising, when it is at its zenith, and when it is setting, because it rises and sets between the horns of Shaytaan (Satan); praying when there is food prepared that a person desires; praying when one urgently needs to pass water, stools or wind, because that will distract a person from concentrating properly on his prayer.

Islam forbids the Muslim to raise his voice in prayer, lest it disturb other believers; to continue offering supererogatory prayers at night when one feels drowsy - such a person should sleep then get up; to stay up all night in prayer, especially one night after another; and to stop praying when there is doubt as to the validity of one’s wudoo’ - unless one hears a sound or smells an odour.

Islaam forbids buying, selling and making "lost and found" announcements in the mosque - because it is the place of worship and remembrance of Allaah, where worldly affairs have no place.

Islam forbids haste in walking when the iqaamah (call immediately preceding congregational prayer) is given, and prescribes walking in a calm and dignified manner. It is also forbidden to boast about the cost of building a mosque; to decorate a mosque with red or yellow paint or adornments which will distract the worshippers; to fast day after day without a break; and for a woman to observe a supererogatory fast when her husband is present without his permission.

Islaam forbids building over graves, making them high, sitting on them, walking between them wearing shoes, putting lights over them or writing on them. It is forbidden to disinter the dead or to take graves as places of worship. Islam forbids wailing, tearing one’s clothes or leaving one’s hair unkempt when a person dies. Eulogizing the dead in the manner of the times of Ignorance (Jaahiliyyah) is also forbidden, although there is nothing wrong with informing others that a person has died.

Islaam forbids the consumption of riba (interest); all kinds of selling which involve ignorance (of the product), misleading and cheating; selling blood, wine, pork, idols and everything that Allaah has forbidden - their price, whether bought or sold - is haraam; najash, which is offering a price for something one has no intention of buying, as happens in many auctions; concealing a product’s faults at the time of selling; selling something which one does not own or before it comes into one’s possession; undercutting, outbidding or out bargaining another; selling produce before it is clear that it is in good condition and free of blemish; cheating in weights and measures; and hoarding. A partner who has shares in a plot of land or a date palm tree is forbidden to sell his share without consulting his partners. It is forbidden to consume the wealth of orphans unjustly; to bet or gamble; to take anything by force; to accept or offer bribes; to steal people’s wealth or to consume it unjustly; to take something for the purpose of destroying it; to undermine the value of people’s possessions; to keep lost property which one has found, or to keep quiet about it and not announce it, for it belongs to the one who recognizes it; to cheat in any way; to ask for a loan with no intention of repaying it; to take anything of the wealth of a fellow-Muslim, unless it is given freely, because what is taken because of another person’s shyness is haraam; and to accept a gift because of intercession.

Celibacy and castration are forbidden, as is marrying two sisters, or a woman and her aunt (paternal or maternal), whether he marries the aunt after marrying her niece or vice versa, for fear of breaking the ties of kinship. It is forbidden to make deals in marriage, such as saying "Let me marry your daughter and I will give you my daughter or sister in marriage." Such reciprocal deals are a form of oppression and injustice, and haraam. Islaam forbids mut’ah (temporary marriage), which is a marriage contract for a period of time agreed by the two parties, at the end of which the marriage expires. Islaam forbids intercourse with a menstruating woman, until she has purified herself (by taking a bath after her period ends), and also forbids anal intercourse. A man is forbidden to propose marriage to a woman when another man has already proposed to her, unless the other man withdraws his proposal or gives him permission. It is forbidden to marry a previously-married woman without consulting her, or a virgin without seeking her permission. It is forbidden to wish (a newly married couple) "Bi’l-rafaa’ wa’l-baneen (a joyful life and many sons)," because this is the greeting of the people of Jaahiliyyah, who hated daughters. The divorced woman is forbidden to conceal what Allaah has created in her womb (if she is pregnant). A husband and wife are forbidden to speak (to others) about the intimacies of married life. It is forbidden to turn a woman against her husband or to take divorce lightly. It is forbidden for a woman to ask for another’s divorce, such as asking a man to divorce a woman so that she can marry him. A wife is forbidden to spend her husband’s money without his permission, or to keep away from his bed without good reason, because the angels will curse her if she does that. A man is forbidden to marry his father’s wife, or to have intercourse with a woman who is pregnant from another man. It is forbidden for a man to practise ‘azl (coitus interruptus) with his free wife without her permission. It is forbidden for a man to return home from a journey late at night and startle his family, unless he has previously notified them when he will arrive home. A man is forbidden to take anything of his wife’s mahr (dowry) without her consent, or to keep annoying his wife so that she will give up her wealth.

Islaam forbids women to make a wanton display of themselves (tabarruj). It also forbids extreme forms of female circumcision. Women are forbidden to admit anyone into their husband’s home without his permission; his general permission is acceptable so long as they stay within the limits of sharee’ah. It is forbidden to separate a mother and child (in case of divorce); to let one’s womenfolk behave foolishly (in an immoral fashion) and not say anything; to let one’s gaze wander everywhere; and to follow an accidental glance with an intentional glance.

Islaam forbids the eating of dead meat, regardless of whether it died by drowning, strangulation, shock or falling from a high place; eating blood, pork and anything slaughtered in a name other than that of Allaah or for idols; eating the flesh or drinking the milk of beasts that feed on filth and waste matter; eating the flesh of every carnivorous beast that has fangs and every bird that has talons; eating the meat of domesticated donkeys; killing animals by keeping them and throwing stones at them until they die, or detaining them without food until they die; slaughtering with teeth or nails; slaughtering one animal (for food) in front of another; or sharpening the knife in front of the animal to be slaughtered.

In the area of clothing and adornment, men are forbidden the extravagance of wearing gold. Muslim are forbidden to be naked or to expose their thighs; to leave their clothes long (below the ankles) and trail them on the ground for the purpose of showing off; and to wear clothes that will attract attention.

It is forbidden to bear false witness; to make false accusations against a chaste believing woman; to accuse someone who is innocent; to utter lies; to slander and backbite; to call people by offensive nicknames; to spread gossip and malicious slander; to make fun of the Muslims; to boast about one’s status; to shed doubts on a person’s lineage; to utter slander, insults and obscenities; to speak in an indecent or rude manner; or to utter evil in public, except by one who has been wronged.

Islaam forbids telling lies; one of the worst kinds of lie is to lie about dreams, like fabricating dreams and visions in order to prove one’s virtue, or make some material gains, or to frighten an enemy.

Muslims are forbidden to praise themselves, or to talk in a secret way: two may not converse secretly to the exclusion of a third, because this is offensive. It is forbidden to curse a believer or someone who does not deserve to be cursed.

Islaam forbids speaking ill of the dead; praying for death; wishing for death because of some suffering that one is passing through; praying against one’s self, one’s children, one’s servants or one’s wealth.

Muslims are told not to eat the food that is directly in front of others or to eat from the centre of the dish or platter; rather they should eat from what is directly in front of them or thereabouts, because the barakah (blessing) comes in the middle of the food. It is forbidden to drink from a broken edge of a vessel, because this could cause harm; or to drink from the mouth of a vessel; or to breathe into it. It is forbidden to eat while lying on one’s stomach; to sit at a table where wine is being drunk; to leave a fire burning in one’s house when one sleeps; to sleep with Ghamr in one’s hand, like an offensive smell or the remainder of food (grease); to sleep on one’s stomach; or to talk about or try to interpret bad dreams, because these are tricks of the Shaytaan.

It is forbidden to kill another person except in cases where it is right to do so; to kill one’s children for fear of poverty; to commit suicide; to commit fornication, adultery or sodomy (homosexuality); to drink wine, or even to prepare it, carry it from one place to another, or sell it. Muslims are forbidden to please people by angering Allaah; to offend their parents or even to say "Uff" (the slightest word of contempt) to them; to claim that a child belongs to anyone but his real father; to torture by means of fire; to burn anyone, alive or dead, with fire; to mutilate the bodies of the slain; to help anyone commit falsehood; or to cooperate in wrongdoing and sin.

It is forbidden to obey any person by disobeying Allaah; to swear falsely; to swear a disastrous oath; to eavesdrop on people without their permission; to invade people’s privacy or look at their private parts; to claim something that does not belong to one or that one did not do, for the purpose of showing off; to look into someone’s else’s house without permission; to be extravagant; to swear an oath to do something wrong; to spy on others or be suspicious about righteous men and women; to envy, hate or shun one another; to persist in falsehood; to be arrogant or feel superior; to be filled with self-admiration; to be pleased with one’s arrogance. Islam forbids taking back one’s charity, even if one pays to get it back; employing someone to do a job without paying him his wages; being unfair in giving gifts to one’s children; bequeathing everything in one’s will and leaving one’s heirs poor - in such a case the will should not be executed; writing a will that concerns more than one third of one’s legacy; being a bad neighbour; or changing a will to the detriment of one or some of one’s heirs. A Muslim is forbidden to forsake or shun his brother for more than three days, except for a reason sanctioned by sharee’ah; to hold small stones between two fingers and throw them because this could cause injury to eyes or teeth; to include his heirs in a will, because Allaah has already given heirs their rights of inheritance; to disturb his neighbour; to point a weapon at his Muslim brother; to hand someone an unsheathed sword, lest it harm him; to come (walk) between two people except with their permission; to return a gift, unless there is some shar’i objection to it; to be extravagant; to give money to foolish people; to wish to be like someone to whom Allaah has given more of something; to cancel out his charity by giving offensive reminders of his giving; to wilfully conceal testimony; or to oppress orphans or scold one who asks for help or money. It is forbidden to treat with evil medicines, because Allaah would not create a cure for this ummah which includes something that He has forbidden. It is forbidden to kill women and children in warfare; to boast to one another; or to break promises.

Islaam forbids betraying a trust; asking for charity that one does not need; alarming a Muslim brother or taking away his possessions, whether jokingly or seriously; changing one’s mind after giving a gift, except in the case of a gift from a father to his child; practising medicine without experience; or killing ants, bees and hoopoe birds. A man is forbidden to look at the ‘awrah (private parts) of another man, and a woman is forbidden to look at the ‘awrah of another woman. It is forbidden to sit between two people without their permission; or to greet only those whom one knows, because the greeting is to be given to those whom you know and those whom you do not know. A Muslim is forbidden to let an oath come between him and good deeds; he should do what is good and make expiation for the oath. It is forbidden to judge between two disputing parties when one is angry, or to judge in favour of one party without hearing what the other has to say. It is forbidden for a man to walk through the market-place carrying something - like a sharp weapon - that could harm the Muslims, unless it is properly covered. A Muslim is forbidden to make another person get up, so that he can take his place.

There are more commands and prohibitions which came for the benefit and happiness of individuals and mankind as a whole. Have you ever seen any other religion that can compare to this religion?

Read this response again, then ask yourself: is it not a great pity that I am not one of them? Allaah says in the Qur’aan (interpretation of the meaning): "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers." [Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]

Finally, I hope that everyone who reads this will be guided to the correct way and to follow the truth. May Allaah protect you and us from all evil.

[answered this question, sheikh Mohammed Salih al-Monajjid, from Islam Q&A]
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Quran Mengutip Injil Palsu

Quran Mengutip Injil Palsu

By Bishop Zakaria Boutros

1). The angel bringing food to Maryam while she was in Al-Mihrâb (seclusion)

In the quran, in the Family of Imran chapter (Surat Aal-'Imran) 37:" Every time Zakaria
entered Al-Mihrâb (seclusion) to visit her, he found her supplied with sustenance.

"That does not exist in the Holy bible at all, but that story was literally present in a popular heretic book named" The birth of Mary and the childhood of the savior", chapter 20

2). The Christ speaking in the cradle:

The quran mentioned that the Christ spoke while he was in the cradle, in Mary chapter
(Surat Maryam) 29, 30:" Then she pointed to him. They said: "how can we talk to one who
is a child in the cradle?'Iesa (Jesus) said: Verily! I am a slave of Allah; He has given me
the Scripture and made me a Prophet"

This story doesn't exit in The Holy Bible, but was literally present in a popular heretic book
named" The birth of Mary and the childhood of the savior", chapter 20, and the quran quoted it from that book

3). The story of the Cave people

The Cave chapter (Surat Al-Kahf )22:"Some say they were three, the dog being the fourth
among them, others say they were five, the dog being the sixth, guessing at the unseen,
yet others say they were seven, the dog being the eighth, My Lord knows best their
number; none knows them but a few, So debate not "

This story of people of the cave was quoted from the book of "the life story of the
Christian saints and martyrs" named "Al-Sineksar"

In it, they mentioned" under the readings of the 20 Th of Mesra" (one of the Coptic

"In that day, on the year 252 Gregorian, the seven young saints martyred, those were in
Ephesus and their names are documented they are: Melkhis, Martinyanus John,
Maximus, Dionasius, Serabion and Kostantinius

When the king provoked the paganism, they went to a cave to hide in it, fearing that they
may fall under the threatening of the king, and deny the Christ, but the king knew about
that, and he commanded to close the gate of the cave on them , one of the guards who
was executing that commandment was a Christian , so he engraved their life story on a
brass sheet he found in the cave

So those saints slender their pure souls and died , when the lord wished to honor those
honest believers , he revealed to the bishop of the city to go and open the door of the
cave , he went and found them dead but their bodies were conserved and intact , he
knew from the brass sheet he found in the cave that they died two hundred years ago,
and he knew from the coins they had that they were during the reign of king Dakius

The story was quoted by Muhammad and was put into the quran

Ibn Hesham said in his book 'the prophetical life story", part one page 217:

"Christianity was widely spread in Najran in the north of Yemen and the south of Hijaz, the king of Yemen was a Christian, also Waraqa Ibn Nofal became a Christian in Makkah and so many others."

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Muhammad Rasoul Munafik

Muhammad Rasoul Munafik

By Melayu Murtad Berjaya

Mungkin ada beberapa cabaran yang pantas buat yang mengaku dirinya "nabi" tetapi wajarka apabila seorang "nabi" melanggar aturan Quran sebagai Hukum Islam yang tertinggi???

Dalel 1.

Q 2:222
Mereka bertanya kepadamu tentang haidh. Katakanlah: "Haidh itu adalah suatu kotoran". Oleh sebab itu hendaklah kamu menjauhkan diri dari wanita di waktu haidh; dan janganlah kamu mendekati mereka, sebelum mereka suci. Apabila mereka telah suci, maka campurilah mereka itu di tempat yang diperintahkan Allah kepadamu. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang bertaubat dan menyukai orang-orang yang mensucikan diri.

Tetapi iannya (Mohammed) malah mengindahkan ayat ayat Quran yang kentara sekali bahwa mendekati wanita haid adalah suatu kotoran atawa najis, oleh sebab itulah lelaki tiada oleh wanita haid sebelum bersuci, berikut petikan hadist yang meceriterakan kemunafikan "nabi" Mohammed dengan isterinya:

Muhammad tidur bersama Umm Salama sewaktu Umm sedang mens, menciumnya tatkala puasa dan setelah itu mandi bersamanya dari satu baskom … (Sahih Bukhari 1.6.319)

Dikisahkan oleh Zainab bint Abi Salama:
Um-Salama berkata, "Saya mengalami mens ketika sedang berbaring dengan Nabi di bawah selimut wol. Lalu aku ke luar dari selimut, mengambil pakaian untuk mens dan mengenakannya. Rasul Allah berkata, “Apakah kau sedang mens?” Aku jawab, “Ya”. Lalu dia memanggilku dan merengkuhku ke bawah selimut wol.” Um Salama kemudian berkata, “Sang Nabi biasa menciumku saat dia puasa. Sang Nabi dan aku biasa mandi Janaba dari satu baskom.” (
Sahih Bukhari: Volume 1, Buku 6, Nomer 319:)

Sewaktu Aisyah sedang mens, Muhammad seringkali memeluknya sewaktu mandi … (Sahih Bukhari, 1.6.298)

Dikisahkan oleh 'Aisha:
Sang Nabi dan aku biasa mandi dari baskom yang sama ketika kami berada di Junub. Sewaktu sedang mens, dia biasa menyuruhku mengenakan Izar (pakaian yang dikenakan di bawah pinggang) dan biasa memelukku. Ketika di Itikaf, dia biasa meletakkan kepalanya ke dekatku dan aku mencucinya ketika aku sedang mens.(
Sahih Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 6, Number 298)

Muhammad meletakkan pipi dan dadanya diantara paha2 telanjang Aisyah yang sedang mens …. (Sunaan Abu Dawud, 1.0270)

Dikisahkan oleh Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:
Umarah ibn Ghurab berkata bahwa bibinya menceritakan padanya ketika dia bertanya pada Aisyah: Bagaimana jika satu dari kami sedang mens dan dia dan suaminya tidak punya ranjang lebih dari satu? Dia (Aisyah) menjawab: Aku ceritakan padamu apa yang Rasul Allah telah lakukan:
Suatu malam Rasul Allah datang padaku ketika aku sedang menstruasi. Dia pergi ke tempat sembahyangnya, yakni tempat yang disediakan khusus untuk sembahyang di rumahnya. Dia tidak kembali sampai aku tidur nyenyak, dan dia merasa sakit karena kedinginan. Dan dia berkata: Datanglah mendekat padaku. Aku berkata: Aku sedang mens. Dia berkata: Bukalah paha2mu. Karenanya, aku membuka kedua pahaku. Lalu dia meletakkan pipi dan dadanya pada paha2ku dan aku biarkan sampai dia merasa hangat dan tertidur
. (Sunaan Abu Dawud: Book 1, Number 0270)

Lantas siapa yang munafik tanpa mengindahkan dalel dalam Quranul Kareem?? walopun dia "nabi" apakah kemunafikkan dia dapat ditutupi lantaran dia "nabi"???Inikah contoh nabi Insanul Kamil???

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Muslim Bisa Menahan Nafsu Sexualnya??

Muslim Bisa Menahan Nafsu Sexualnya??

By Melayu Murtad Berjaya

Bersedudukan dan Bersandarkan Kalam Allaah dalam Quranul Kareem dinyatakan bahwa:

Dalel 1.

Firman Allah SWT yang artinya, “Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji dan suatu jalan yang buruk.” (Al-Isra: 32).

Dalel 2.

“Katakanlah kepada orang-orang mukmin laki-laki: ‘Hendaklah mereka itu menundukkan sebahagian pandangannya dan menjaga kemaluannya ….’ Dan katakanlah kepada orang-orang mukmin perempuan: ‘Hendaknya mereka itu menundukkan sebahagian pandangannya dan menjaga kemaluannya …’.”
(An-Nur: 30–31)

Tetapi Muslim dimana mana entah zaman Mohammed ataukah tidak dizaman mohammedpun sama sahaja tiada bisa menahan nafsu birahi sama la kat nabinya, saya paparkan bukti bukti dari catatan Hadis dibawah ini:

Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 62, Number 135:
Dikisahkan oleh Jabir:
Kami biasa melakukan
azl/coitus interruptus semasa hidup Rasul Allah.

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3371:
Abu Sirma berkata kepada Abu Sa'id al Khadri: O Abu Sa'id, apakah kau mendengar Rasul Allah berkata tentang al-azl/coitus interruptus? Dia berkata: Ya, dan menambahkan: Kami pergi bersama Rasul Allah dalam perjalanan ke Bi'l-Mustaliq dan mengambil tawanan2 wanita Arab yang cantik2; kami terangsang melihat mereka, karena kami jauh dari istri2 kami, (tapi pada saat yang sama) kami juga ingin menggunakan mereka sebagai sandra untuk ditebus (dengan uang). Karena itu kami mengambil keputusan untuk berhubungan seks dengan mereka tapi dengan melakukan azl/coitus interruptus.....

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3373:
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri melaporkan: Kami menangkap tawanan2 wanita dan kami ingin melakukan ‘azl/coitus interruptus dengan mereka

Malik's Muwatta Book 29, Number 29.32.96:
Yahya mengisahkan padaku dari Malik dari Abu ‘n-Nadr, maulah Umar ibn Ubaydullah dari Amir ibn Sad ibn Abi Waqqas dari ayahnya bahwa dia biasa melakukan azl/coitus interruptus.

Sunan Abu Dawud Book 11, Number 2166:
Dikisahkan oleh AbuSa'id al-Khudri:
Seorang pria berkata: Rasul Allah, aku punya seorang budak wanita dan
aku mengeluarkan penisku dari tubuhnya (ketika sedang berhubungan seks), dan aku tidak mau dia menjadi hamil. Aku melakukan itu karenanya. Orang2 Yahudi berkata bahwa mengeluarkan penis (azl) adalah sama seperti mengubur hidup2 anak2 perempuan dalam skala kecil. Dia (sang Nabi) berkata: Orang Yahudi itu berbohong. Jika Allah memang mau menciptakan (bayi), maka kau tidak dapat mencegahnya.

Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 62, Number 136:
Dikisahkan oleh Jabir:
Kami biasa melakukan azl/coitus interruptus (mengeluarkan sperma di luar tubuh wanita) ketika Qur’an diwahyukan. Jabir menambahkan: Kami biasa melakukan azl/coitus interruptus semasa hidup Rasul Allah ketika Qur’an sedang diwahyukan.

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3371:
Abu Sirma berkata kepada Abu Sa’id al Khadri: O Abu Sa’id, apakah kau mendengar Rasul Allah berkata tentang al-azl (coitus interruptus)? Dia berkata: Ya, dan menambahkan: Kami pergi bersama Rasul Allah dalam perjalanan ke Bi’l-Mustaliq dan mengambil tawanan2 wanita Arab yang cantik2; kami terangsang melihat mereka, karena kami jauh dari istri2 kami, (tapi pada saat yang sama) kami juga ingin menggunakan mereka sebagai sandra untuk ditebus (dengan uang). Karena itu kami mengambil keputusan untuk berhubungan seks dengan mereka tapi dengan melakukan azul (coitus interruptus) ….

Macam nie kah akhlaqul karimah para muslim yang didik oleh Nabi Insanul Kamil dan Rahamat lil 'Alam tu, tanpa mengindahkan ayat suci Al Quranul Kareem???

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Bagaimana Membedakan Jibril dengan Shaitan

Bagaimana Membedakan Jibril dengan Shaitan

By Vivaldi

Sumber :
Sirah Ibnu Ishaq
Kitab Sejarah Nabi Tertua
Muhammad bin Yasar bin Ishaq
Muhammadiyah University Press
Buku Ke Satu- halaman 158

…. Maka kemudian ketika Jibril datang kepadanya, Rasulullah berkata kepada Khadijah, “Ini adalah jibril yang telah datang menemuiku”.
“Kemarilah wahai anak pamanku, DUDUKLAH DIPAHA KIRIKU ”.
Kemudian Rasulullah melakukannya dan Khadijah berkata, “Apakah dapat melihatnya?”.
“Ya”, jawab Rasulullah.
Kemudian Khadijah berkata, “Berputarlah dan DUDUKLAH DIATAS PAHA KANANKU .”
Rasulullah melakukannya dan Khadijah berkata, “Dapatkah kamu melihatnya?”
Ketika Rasulullah mengangguk, dia meminta Rasulullah untuk DUDUK DIPANGKUANNYA . Ketika Rasulullah melakukannya, Khadijah menanyakan apakah Rasulullah masih dapat melihatnya. Ketika Rasulullah mengangguk, Khadijah MEMBUKA BAJUNYA dan MELEMPAR KERUDUNGNYA ketika Rasulullah masih duduk dipangkuannya. Kemudian dia berkata, “Apakah kamu masih dapat melihatnya”.
Rasulullah menjawab, “Tidak”.
Khadijah berkata, “Wahai anak pamanku, bergembiralah dan berbanggalah, demi Tuhan dia adalah malaikat dan bukan setan”.

Masyaallaah apakah perlu menguji apakah benar Jibril ataukah Shaitan dengan cara berbugil???

Sumber :
Sirah Ibnu Ishaq
Kitab Sejarah Nabi Tertua
Muhammad bin Yasar bin Ishaq
Muhammadiyah University Press
Buku Ke Satu- halaman 158 – 159

Saya menceritakan kepada Abdullah bin Hasan tentang kisah tersebut (vivaldi : maksudnya Khadijah telanjang sambil memangku Muhammad SAW), dan dia berkata, “Aku mendengar dari ibuku Fatimah, anak perempuan dari Husani, menceritakan tentang kisah tersebut dari Khadijah, tetapi yang aku dengar adalah bahwa KHADIJAH MENYURUH RASULULLAH MENYELINAP MASUK KE BAWAH BAJU DALAMNYA , dan seketika itu Jibril pergi, dan dia berkata kepada Rasulullah, “Sungguh dia adalah malaikat dan bukan setan”

Apa yang hendak muhammad lakukan kat dibawah baju dalam Khadijah??? Jibril ka?? atau kemaluan khadijah ka??? hanya Allaah dan Rasoul yang tau, wallahu'alam bishwab

Sahih Bukhari. Vol 3, Book 47. Gifts. Hadith 755.

…….. Dan kali ini rupanya Rasulullah saw. mau menanggapi. Beliau berkata kepada Ummu Salamah: 'Jangan kamu sakiti aku tentang Aisyah. Sesungguhnya wahyu tidak turun kepadaku ketika aku berada DALAM KAIN SEORANG WANITA (ISTRI) KECUALI AISYAH .'……

Masyaallaah kat mana Jibril mendiktekan "wahyu Quranul Kareem" kat dibawah kain Aisha???apakah didektekan kat waktu dalam kain aisha??? trus macam mana pula moral seorang "Malaikatillahi ikut masuk kedalam kain aisha, padahal dianya bertugas mengirim wahyu???apakaha Jibril dan Muhammad melihat kemaluan aisha???dan macam mana dengan selimut isteri muhammad yang lainnya???

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Kaji Ulang "Turunnya Wahyu Quran"

Kaji Ulang "Turunnya Wahyu Quran"

By Melayu Murtad Berjaya

Bagaimana sih turunnya ayat Quran yang didapat Muhammad dari Allaah bersandarkan Hadist??
Apakah ianya berasal dari Allaah ataukah Shaitan??? ataukah ianya turun dari praktik azl???

simaklah Kumpulan Hadis Hadis dibawah ini yang menceriterakan tentang turunnya wahyu Quran sebagai berikut:

A). Bagaimana wujud turunnya Quran (Allaah ataukah Shaitan???)

Diriwayahkan oleh 'Aisha:
Al-Harith bin Hisham bertanya Rasulullah 'Ya Rasul, bagaimana wahyu diberikan kepadamu ?" Rasulullah menjawab, "Kadang kala diberikan seperti gemerincing suara lonceng, bentuk pewahyuan seperti ini yang paling berat .... Kadang kala malaikat datang dan berbicara dengan saya dan saya mencoba mengerti apa yg dikatakannya." 'Aisha menambahkan: Sungguh saya melihat nabi diberikan wahyu pada hari yg sangat dingin dan melihat keringat menderas dari keningnya (saat wahyu selesai). (Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 1, Number 2)

'A'isha melaporkan bahwa Harith b. Hisham bertanya kpd Rasulullah (saw): BAGAIMANA WAHYU DIBERIKAN KEPADAMU ? Katanya: KADANGKALA BERUPA GEMERINCING SUARA LONCENG YANG MANA PALING BERAT BUAT SAYA ... (Sahih Muslim Book 030, Number 5765)

kemudian dalam catitan ayat hadist selanjutnya:

Abu Huraira melaporkan Rasulullah (saw) sbg mengatakan: LONCENG ADALAH INSTRUMEN IBLIS (Sahih Muslim Book 024, Number 5279)

Diriwayahkan oleh Umar ibn al-Khattab:
Ibn az-Zubayr mengatakan bahwa seorang klien wanita mereka membawa puterinya az-Zubayr ke Umar ibn al-Khattab sambil mengenakan lonceng di kakinya. Umar mencabutnya dan mengaakan bahwa ia mendengar Rasulullah mengatakan bahwa: Ada Iblis disetiap lonceng. (Sunan Abu Dawud Book 34, Number 4218)

Diriwayahkan Umm Habibah:
Nabi (saw) mengatakan: MALAIKAT TIDAK AKAN MENEMANI DIMANA ADA SUARA GEMERINCING LONCENG. (Sunan Abu Dawud Book 14, Number 2548)

Konklusi (A) adalah:

Jikalau turunnya wahyu Quranul Kareem ianya betul dari Allaah, macam mana insprasinya dalam bentuk bunyi gemerincing lonceng yang katanya dari Shaitan???

B). Bagaimana wujud turunnya wahyu Quran (Praktik Azl atauka dari Allaah???)

simakla penuturan ayat hadis dibawah ini dengan hati nan jerniah serta minda yang baik, InshaAllaah kita dapat memilah mana yang huq dan mana yang bathil, amien.

Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 62, Number 136:

Dikisahkan oleh Jabir:
Kami biasa melakukan azl/coitus interruptus ketika Qur’an diwahyukan. Jabir menambahkan: Kami biasa melakukan azl/coitus interruptus semasa hidup Rasul Allah ketika Qur’an sedang diwahyukan.


Masyaallaah apakah saya nie tak silap baca hadist tu??? macam mana hubungan penyemprotan sperma (azl) dengan turunnya Quran, dari Allaahka ataukah Shaitan???, menjijikan kali turunnya Quran itu, naudzubillah mindzaliq.

Astagfirullah!! Bayangkan sebentar nih, pembuatan Qur’an dan penyemprotan sperma. Bukankah ini kombinasi yang hebat sekali? ayat kamasutrapon kalah

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