

A Letter from Shaytan

ADDRESS: Next to you

DATE: Everyday

Dear Friend,

I’m lucky to get a friend like you!

I saw you yesterday as you began your daily jobs. You woke up without a prayer where you made my struggle never went hopeless to put you asleep.

As a matter of gratitude for my struggle, you didn’t even bless your meals, or pray before going to bed last night for your creator and I like that about you. I cannot tell you how glad I am that you have not changed your way of living.

Remember, you and I have been going steady for years; our love never broke even though Allah made you out of clay and I was created by Fire.

Allah asked me to bow down to your father Adam, but I am made from fire. “I” am more superior to your father but I still remain as your friend leaving my pride aside! Am I not your best friend?

I have chosen you as my best friend because you are helping me to prove that I’m right and Allah is wrong, In fact Allah kicked me and your father Adam out of Jannah (paradise), we both came together to this world, and that Day I swear that Adam’s children and I will never be enemies and will be friends till the day of Judgment, you are truly a grateful friend!

We have been watching movies, partying, going to discos, staying out late with friends, cheating for fun, lying for fun, and there are many things we cannot share in public, the days we spent together were last longing memorable events! What a beautiful story we have in our daily diaries!

There are many jealousy people among us to divide us, those annoying creatures, you know who they are, don’t you? The ones who call to worship Allah and obey his Messengers! They try hard and hard, day and night, to take you out from me but our thick friendship never dies! all their struggles are hopeless, These annoying creatures threaten us with Allah’s punishment, this is their plan to destroy our beautiful, gorgeous, sensational, enjoying, everlasting life of this world, but those annoying creatures will never know that we love this worldly life and they don’t understand the taste of this world life! Bunch of tasteless tongues of this world life, calls us to worship Allah along with them, they say to starve through out one whole month, they ask us to waste our money on charity, and they request us to circle a black box in the desert, how could we do that when they are not in our taste or understand the beauty of this world? Surely they cannot be our friends and we will not be their friends!

Annoying creatures warns us that we both will end our life as a last resting place in Hell, what a foolish argument they make, we have never seen the Hell, never heard the Hell and never smelled the Hell, or can they show us the hell? Haaa…haaa….

Those annoying creatures try to deceive us with describing the beauty of paradise as a peaceful place, what a nice fairytale story on earth, have we seen the paradise? Or have we smelled the paradise? Idiots lie to us by saying that there is another paradise better than this world….. haaa…. Haaaa!!!!

The only answer is NO! NO! NO!

We are friends as one, united as one, die as one and join hands in hereafter life as one! This Friendship cannot die and will not die!

Your Best Friend,

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DeDiCaDo a Tí CReYeNTe!

A veces el camino es difícil, los obstáculos abundan y la voluntad flaquea...
A veces todo se vuelve oscuro y no ves salida...
A veces la rendición es mostrada como solución...
A veces o muchas veces quieres dormir sin despertar...
A veces tus fuerzas ya no dan mas....
A veces deseas tirar la toalla y renunciar...
Y solo en tu fe en Allah, encuentras el poder y la fuerza para continuar.....
Recuerda que ALLAH es grande que la felicidad es alcanzable que todo es posible si de verdad quieres conseguirlo
porque en el fondo nada ni nadie puede impedirlo si tu confías en EL !!!
ALLAH iluminara tu camino, te dará la fuerza para soportar, vencer y lograr tu fin !!!
Insistir y perseverar es la receta del éxito. Tras caerte mira arriba
y si no ves una mano no quiere decir que no este ahí, porque no solo lo que vemos con los ojos existe,
hay cosas que solo el Corazón ve y que solo el espíritu siente !!!
Lucha tras lucha ganaras la sabiduría que en tu viaje te ayudara a alcanzar la otra orilla !!!
Se paciente que tus amados te esperan sonrientes esperando tu llegada !!!
Se por ende a la altura de sus espectativas !!!
Se el eslabón de la cadena de la verdad !!!
Se lo que debes ser !!! Un verdadero musulmán !!!
Recuerda que su perdón es infinito que Su mano esta tendida a quien quiera Su perdón y ayuda !!!
Recuerda que si el mundo entero esta en tu contra, ALLAH esta de tu parte !!!
Recuerda que tu deber no es conseguirlo sino intentarlo !!!
Recuerda que si Recuerdas es que El quiere que recuerdes ¿y aun así dudas? !!!
Confía !!!

Que esta vida no es mas que un puente donde tu eres un viajero de camino a su morada !!!
Que tus provisiones sean la taqwa y la esperanza !!!
Que eres la esperanza del pasado y constructor del futuro !!!
No pierdas tiempo y actúa !!!
Lucharemos todos juntos contra nuestras debilidades que nos quieren arrastrar al abismo !!!
Mano en mano todos iremos hacia delante, viajeros andantes con la mirada fija en la meta propuesta !!!
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How can I convert to Islam?

How can I convert to Islam?


The steps a person needs to take to accept Islam as his/her religion, enter its fold, and become a Muslim.


The word “Muslim” means one who submits to the will of God, regardless of their race, nationality or ethnic background. Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process that requires no pre-requisites. One may convert alone in
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Non muslims Great Satan why?

Q: Why do some Muslims call some Americans and Westerners "Great Satan"?

A: Without being inappropriate to Americans and Westerners but most of them lack morals and do all kinds of sexual sinnings such as sex without marriage and sodomy which are reasons that GOD Almighty had drowned the people of Lot and Noah in the past for.

Nude beaches, bikinis (exposing 99% of the woman's body), living
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What is the one thing you want to understand?

What is the one thing that you most want me to understand about Islam?

Well if there is one thing I want you to know about Islam and read from the Noble Quran, it would be the following Noble Verse:

"Say: 'O People of the Book (i.e., Jews and Christians)! Come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from
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Is gambling allowed in Islam?

The sections of this article are:

1- Is gambling allowed in Islam?

2- Muslims should build a personal friendship and relationship with Allah Almighty.

3- Conclusion.

Let us look at the following Noble Verses from the Noble Quran:

"They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask thee how
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Does Islam really mean to force someone to Islam ?

Does "Islam" really mean to force someone to Islam or else kill him?

Some anti-Islamic Arabic speaking people say that the word "Islam" means particularly to "surrender". This is a clear lie, because "Islam" in Arabic means "submission".

Islam is derived from the word Salam which means peace. When someone says "as'SALAMu alaikum", he is saying may peace be upon you, or peace be upon you.
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What is Fasting in Islam?

What is Fasting in Islam? And what is the Wisdom behind it? What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the name of the Muslims' fasting month. Ramadan comes approximately every 11.5 months (10 to 12 days earlier every year, because the Muslim month is 29 days except for Ramadan which could be 29 or 30, and February in the normal calendar is almost always 28 days while the other months are usually 30 to 31
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Are tattoos allowed in Islam?

Are tattoos allowed in Islam?

No they are not. Let us look at what Prophet Muhammad peace be upon commanded:

Narrated 'Abdullah bin Yazid Al-Ansari: "The Prophet forbade robbery (taking away what belongs to others without their permission), and also forbade mutilation (or maiming) of bodies. (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Oppressions, Volume 3, Book 43, Number 654)"

Narrated Abu Huraira: "
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Are Muslims the Chosen People?

Are Muslims the "Chosen People" of GOD? If not, then who are?

No race, color or gender are chosen by GOD Almighty in Islam.

Everyone is evaluated by his Good Deeds.

Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other. Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of
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Do women have the right for education in Islam?

Do women have the right for education in Islam?

Men and Women have the right to seek education in Islam:

The sections of this article are:

- Men and Women have the right to seek education in Islam.

- So how come some Muslim extremists ban women from education?

Education and knowledge are mandatory upon men and women in Islam. Let us look at what Allah Almighty in His Noble Quran and His
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Who is your Messiah in Islam?

Who is your Messiah in Islam? Who is your Savior?

Your belief in the One True Living GOD Almighty, and your good deeds are your "savior" in Islam. In Islam, you don't need for anyone to die for your sins to allow Allah Almighty to forgive you.

We don't believe in Mediators between the Creator and the Creation.

In Islam, you have a direct relationship with Allah Almighty.

I don't need for
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Justice for all in an Islamic State

What does Allah Almighty say about Justice for all in an Islamic State?

The sections of this article are:

1- Justice in the Islamic State.

2- Allah Almighty will not show mercy on those who never show mercy on others.

1- Justice in the Islamic State:

Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran commands the Muslims to be just and fair to everyone:

"O ye who believe! Stand out firmly For justice,
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Good Manners in Islam

Good Manners in Islam:

The sections of this article are:

1- Good manners and good character.

2- Repel evil with Good.

3- Further good manners teachings in the Noble Quran.

4- No vain talking or foul language. Hypocrites are those who speak foul language.

5- Allah Almighty orders Muslims to deal kindly and justly with non-Muslims.

6- Yawning in Islam.

7- Greetings in Islam.

8- Respect
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Does Islam really allow the killing of innocent unbelievers?

Does Islam really allow the killing of innocent unbelievers?

This is one misunderstanding that keeps rising up against Islam. Islam does not in anyway allow for the killing of any innocent soul. I have gathered some of the Noble Verses that I am aware of that deal directly with war and peace to shed some light upon my readers.

Noble Verses that order the killing of the enemies:

Let us look at
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Is Muhammad GOD or part of GOD ?

Is Muhammad GOD or part of GOD in Islam?

This is one question I keep receiving from Christians. The Noble Quran has ample Noble Verses in it that clearly say that GOD Almighty is One GOD, Who Has no son, no wife and is not divided into multiple entities.

Let us look at the following Noble Verses:

"Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He
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Human equality and the liberation of slaves in Islam

Human equality and the liberation of slaves in Islam:

The sections of this article are:

1- How does Islam view slaves?

2- The liberation of Slaves in Islam.

3- Can a Slave request his freedom from his Muslim owner?

4- Conclusion.

The religion of Islam is a very beautiful religion when it comes to human equality and to liberation of slaves. When Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
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Why did slavery exist during Islam?

Why did slavery exist during Islam? And how did Islam deal with it?

First, it is important to know that thousands of years ago life was different than today. Today, people wouldn't accept slavery for any reason. The reason for this is because people are a lot more independent both financially, education wise, mentally, etc... But people back then were different. When a tribe or a group of
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Can a woman be forced into marriage in Islam?

Can a woman be forced into marriage in Islam?

Absolutely not! Let us look at what Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said regarding this issue:

Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as having said: "A woman without a husband (or divorced or a widow) must not be married until she is consulted, and a virgin must not be married until her
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Are drugs such as weed, and pot allowed in Islam?

Are drugs such as weed, and pot allowed in Islam?

This article also talks about how Islam prohibits alcohol and other harmful things in general.

Well, since Islam doesn't allow drinking alcohol for the sake of protecting the body from harm (Noble Verse 2:219), then it is quite simple and obvious that it would prohibit use of harmful drugs such as weed and pot.

Just because drugs were not
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Most women are in hell?

Is there equality between men and women in Islam? and why did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him say that he saw most of the people in hell are women?

Most women are in hell?

It is the most ironic and childish attempt from Christians (the most of offenders) and other non Muslims to use this topic to try to disprove the validity of Islam. They claim that since Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
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How will Allah Almighty Judge us ?

How will Allah Almighty Judge us in the Day of Judgement? How does Allah Almighty see the sin between man and man?

Allah Almighty is quite clear in the Noble Quran about how He will judge us in the Day of Judgement.

Let us look at Noble Verse 10:61 "In whatever business thou mayest be, and whatever portion thou mayest be reciting from the Quran, and whatever deed ye (mankind) may be doing, We
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What does the Holy Quran say about Jesus

What does the Holy Quran say about Jesus (peace be upon him):

Muslims believe that Jesus peace be upon him according to the Holy Quran is a wonderful, humble, generous messenger of God who came down and revealed God's words to his people, the people of Israel. Muslims do not believe that Jesus is God, nor they believe that God ever chose to come down to earth in a form of a man to die for our
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What Is the Status of Women in Islam?

What Is the Status of Women in Islam?

Islam sees a woman, whether single or married, as an individual in her own right, with the right to own and dispose of her property and earnings without any guardianship over her (whether that be her father, husband, or anyone else). She has the right to buy and sell, give gifts and charity, and may spend her money as she pleases. A marriage dowry is given
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Misconception: Islam Degrades WOMEN

Misconception: Islam Degrades WOMEN

Even though many aspects of Islam are misunderstood by non-Muslims, the ignorance, misinformation and incorrect assumptions that are made in regards to Islam's treatment of women are probably the most severe. Numerous verses of the Qur'an make it clear that men and women are equal in the site of God. According to the teachings of Islam, the only thing that
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Why do Muslim women have to cover their heads?

Q: Why do Muslim women have to cover their heads?

Read that before knowing the answer ..what's that Yassin ?

It's an article To non muslim was hate hijab and Now !!… Read that article .

Embracing the veil

Embracing the veil By YVONNE RIDLEY Special to The Washington Post LONDON – I used to look at veiled women as quiet, oppressed creatures -- until I was captured by the Taliban. In
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Questions About Polygamy

A man can marry 4 wives (Polygamy), a woman can marry only one man

men are allowed to marry four wives, they are also commanded to meet the preconditions of being able to financially support them. They must also deal with each wife justly and fairly with respect to marital and economic obligations. Allah says in the Qur'an,

[4:3] If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the
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Hijaab for women

the status of women in societies before the advent of Islam

1. In the past women were degraded and used as objects of lust

The following examples from history amply illustrate the fact that the status of women in earlier civilizations was very low to the extent that they were denied basic human dignity:

a- Babylonian Civilization: The women were degraded and were denied all rights under the
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Are men and women equal?

Are men and women equal?

The first and most important observation to make about the popular question

"Are men and women equal?" is that it is a badly-formed, unanswerable question.

The problem which many people conveniently ignore is that "equal" is not defined. This is a very critical point: the equality must be specified with respect to some measurable property.

For example, women are
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What's Salat (prayer )-ul-Istikhara ?

Istikhara (Arabic) means to ask Allah to guide one to the right thing concerning any affair in one’s life, especially when one has to choose between two permissible alternatives, e.g. a career choice, getting married, etc. Similarly, a traveller should consult good righteous persons before setting out on a journey, because Allah says, “And consult them (O Prophet) in affairs (of moment),” (Qur’an
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Can Muslims Celebrate Christmas?

As-Salamu `alaykum wa Rahmatu Allahi wa Barakatuh. During the Christmas season, Christians all over the country illuminate their houses with lights, put up Christmas trees, and exchange gifts. TV is full of jingle bells and all the stores are decorated for Christmas. All this is very tempting to small children; children love putting up lights and decorating for holidays.

Some Muslim families
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Regarding prohibition of Tabbaruj for women


I know that Tabarruj (adorning) is dressing in a way which draws the attention, so if the Khimar was a small one and the neck of the woman or some of her hair appeared, is she described to be adorning herself? Knowing that this little which is seen from her hair or her neck, does not draw the attention, where many women who do not cover their hair walk normally in the street and they
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Woman having driving lessons without Mahram


Is a woman allowed to ride with the driving-teacher to learn driving, if she was alone without a Mahram or husband, considering the car of teaching driving a public car and not a private car to need a Mahram? Does the teacher of driving commits a sin if he teaches driving for a woman who came to him without a Mahram or a husband?


It is true that the car of teaching
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Woman travelling without a Mahram?


I read a Hadith from Abu Dawud in which he says: "A woman who believes in Allah and the doomsday is not allowed to travel a -Bureid- without a Mahram" so how is it if we considered the other Hadith:

"A woman who believes in Allah and doomsday is not allowed to travel the distance of a day and a night without a Mahram", knowing that the distance of the Bureid could be traveled in
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Is a woman allowed to ride a private car alone?


Is a woman allowed to ride a private car alone -without a Mahram (unmarriageable person), if the driver was an acquaintance of her family?


1. What applies on the home applies on the private car, because both need a permission to enter (ride).

2. Therefore no one is allowed to be in it with the woman, other than her Mahram or husband, similar to the home.

3. Nothing is
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Guardianship of convert woman for marriage


A woman was an atheist (unbeliever) then she adopted Islam, a Muslim wanted to marry her, so is her atheist father allowed to be her guardian in the marriage contract? If not, who then will be her guardian (Wali)?

The Answer:

An atheist has no guardianship on the Muslim woman, if a woman adopts Islam then her father has no guardianship to get her married. As for your question
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Friendship in the West & Friendship in Islam

Friendship in the West & Friendship in Islam

It is natural for people to form friendships with others whom they interact with on a regular basis. Friendships can be formed through growing up in the same neighbourhood, meeting at school, college, university, social gatherings and via a number of other activities.Friendship is something common amongst people, however there are dif on a friend,
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Why does GOD give the arrogants much power in life ?

Why does GOD give the arrogants and wrong-doers much power in life and takes it away from the good people?

The glory of this life is not for the believers and those who are patient. It is for the most part for the evil people, the wrong-doers and the arrogants.

Let us look at what Allah Almighty said in the Noble Quran:

"Those who desire the life of the present and its glitter,- to them we
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Is there a concept of Original Sin in Islam?

Is there a concept of Original Sin in Islam?

The Christian concept of "Original Sin" is that GOD Almighty's Commands were broken by Mankind starting when Adam ate the forbidden fruit, and it caused GOD Almighty to carry so much dislike to Mankind that He wants to torture all of us.

Then GOD's lamb (Jesus) came and died on the cross for our sins and who ever believes in this fairy tale should
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Is Islam for Arabs only ?

why is it that arabic is often mentioned in quran . does allah knows only one language ? or islam is for arabs only as in hindu for indians only .. I don't believe in religions but i belive in god and i don't do bad things. can you send me links about your religion just to understand your religion. Thanks

The first and perhaps the most obvious reason is already referred to in the Qur'an, namely
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Why should Allah be feared?

Why should Allah be feared when living under the belief that Allah is loving and to love Allah can be more beneficial?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

As servants of Allah, we must entertain love and hope in Allah with fear of His wrath, for Allah is Most Merciful and Compassionate and He
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worried about my past

Will say my shahada and am worried about my past!!

A'Salaam Alaikum,

Insha Allah, I will say shahadah at the local mosque very soon. One

thing is bothering me. I have, in my past, been a terrible person and

done many wrong things, including having a child without being


My child and I are alone in the world, without relatives.

I want someday to be married to a respectable Muslim,
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Do you believe in Jesus ?

Do you believe in Jesus ?

In islam we believe in Jesus as the prophet (the Messenger of God) Marry the mother of Jesus was unique ,in that she gave birth to a son by a special Miracle, without the intervention of the customary physical means.this of course Does not mean that she was more than human,any more than that her son was more than human. She had as much need to pray to God as anyone
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Do the teachings of Islam encourage terrorism?

Do the teachings of Islam encourage terrorism?

The answer :

Certainly not

Islam totally forbids the terrorist acts

that are carried out by some misguided people.

Certainly, Islamic Law allows war

any religion or civilization that did not would never survive but

it certainly does not condone attacks against innocent people, women or children !

The Arabic word "jihad", which is often
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Was Islam Spread by the Sword?

Suraht Al-Kafirun [109] in the Nobel Qur’an

1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!

2. I worship not that which ye worship,

3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,

5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

6. To you be your Way, and to me mine.

that shows what Muslims should do when faced with unbelievers. The basic
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What is Islam's view of non-Muslims?

Muslims believe that Islam is the religion of all the prophets sent by Allah to mankind, it is the religion which was given to Adam, the first man and the first prophet of Allah, the same religion of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace on all of them).

"Abraham was not a Jew nor Christian; but an upright Muslim." (Qur'an 3:67)

The message of prophet Moses (PBUH) over time was lost,
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Questions for Non-Muslims

Did God declare/make your religion (Christianity/Judaism) perfect. Does the names of "Christianity" and "Judaism" have divine inspiration. Can you show me a single verse to that effect? NO


Noble Qur’aan 5:3! … This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islâam as your religion…

Did God
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How does a muslim reach a state of perfect harmony with God?

Q: How does a muslim get to Heaven, saved, reach a state of perfect harmony with God?

A: A Muslim is one who accepts Islam as the religion of GOD to follow. The Arabic word "Islam" is derived from the word "Salam" which means peace. Islam simply means submitting yourself peacefully in worshiping and believing in the One True Living Undivided GOD Almighty. If a person believes in Allah Almighty
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Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam

Q:I heard that Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam is that right ?

1- Homosexuality is forbidden in the Noble Quran:

Let us read the following Noble Verses from the Noble Quran:

Noble Verses 26:165-166, 27:55, 29:28-29

"Would ye really approach men in your lusts rather than women? Nay, ye are a people (grossly) ignorant! (The Noble Quran, 27:55)"

"And (remember) Lut: behold, he said to his
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Muslims believe that Jesus is Christ but?

Q: How is it that Muslims believe that Jesus is Christ but they don't believe in atonement?

A: We Muslims believe that Jesus peace be upon him was Allah Almighty's Messenger. He was not Allah Himself!. Some Muslim scholars believe that Jesus might have been put on the cross and possibly might have got nailed on it, but never died, hence he never got crucified since crucifixion includes death.
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Why did GOD end His revelations with Muhammad

Q: Why did GOD end His revelations with Muhammad and not with Jesus?

A: Because we Muslims believe that Jesus peace be upon him was GOD's Messenger to the people of Israel. We also believe that Jesus had the entire truth from GOD Almighty and was capable to reveal it all to his people, but they were not capable enough to receive it !. They were hard in their hearts, hard in their heads and had
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Wisdom of Islam

What is the Wisdom of Islam? And how will Allah Almighty Judge both Muslims and non-Muslims?

The sections of this article are:

1. What is the Wisdom of Islam?

- Allah Almighty knows what's in the heart and will judge us according to our intentions.

- Allah Almighty listens to our prayers; He is close and listens!

- The Wisdom of Islam is the same as the Wisdom of Moses' Tablets (the Ten
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The role of the Holy Spirit in Islam?

What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Islam? Why can't we call it GOD?

The sections of this article are:

1- The Role of the Holy Spirit in Islam.

2- The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Bible.

3- The Holy Spirit is a Creation of GOD Almighty and it is under Him just like the Angels according to the Noble Quran. Very important section for Muslims to read!

4- Why can't we call it GOD as
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Welcome To Islam Questions & Answers

Welcome To Answer islam

If you in search for any Answers about islam…

Ask me here and I will answer you

I will be so happy to know from you .

Don’t listen or read in Any web site Answer any questions about islam before

Know who’s that person Answer you ?

Is he/she muslim or not ?

Cause there are many bad guys say lies about the most beautiful religion ...

The true religion From God .
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Table of contents


-The religion of islam

-Who is Jesus?

- Jesus in the Qur'an

- Jesus' titles in the Qur'an and the Gospels

-how Judaism, Christianity and Islam originated, and what sets Islam apart from these monotheistic faiths?

2.What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Islam? Why can't we call it GOD?

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Éste es el sexto pilar del Iman (Fe), del que el Imâm Nawawi explicó en su colección de “Cuarenta Hadices”:
“Por cierto que Allah Decretó todas las cosas antes de su existencia, y Allah sabe exactamente cuándo y dónde ocurrirá todo, y cada cosa ocurre según Su Decreto”.
Ahora bien, la creencia en el Decreto Divino tiene varias facetas:

1. El Decreto Divino con respecto al conocimiento:
El todo Conocimiento de Allah significa creer en que Él sabe con anterioridad todo lo que harán Sus siervos, bueno o malo, la obediencia y desobediencia, quién de está destinado al Paraíso y quién al fuego del Infierno. También implica creer en que Allah preparó para ellos una recompensa o un castigo según sus actos, y que este destino final ha sido designado antes de su creación. Todo esto se encuentra grabado y escrito por Allah, y los hechos de todos Sus siervos tienen lugar y ocurren acorde a lo que fue escrito.
2. El Decreto Divino con respecto a la tabla preservada (Al-Lauj Al-MahfuDh):
Se refiere a que todo se encuentra escrito en Al-Lauj Al-MahfuDh (la tabla preservada). Ibn Kazir en su comentario del Qur’ân cita a Abdur-Rahman Ibn Salman, quien señala: “No hay nada que Allah haya decretado, incluso el Qur’ân o cualquier cosa anterior o posterior a Él, sin que se encuentre grabado en la tabla preservada Al-Lauj Al-MahfuDh. [2]
3. El Decreto Divino con respecto al útero:
Creer que nuestro destino se nos es dado en el vientre de nuestras madres, como se
menciona en el siguiente Hadiz:
“Entonces un ángel es enviado para soplar el espíritu en el feto, y son grabados cuatro asuntos: su sustento, el plazo de su vida, sus obras y si ha de ser feliz o desgraciado; (es decir si será de los moradores del Paraíso o el fuego del Infierno).”
4. El Decreto Divino con respecto a cómo y cuándo:
Es decir de cómo y cuándo ocurrirá todo, lo bueno y lo malo, y de cómo Allah decretó
exactamente en qué momento le sucederían al siervo. (Como se menciona en el comentario de Nawawi en su colección de “Cuarenta Hadices”).

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Los tres principios fundamentales, sheij mohammad at tamimi, primera parte.

El primer principio

Si te preguntan: ¿Quién es tu Señor? Diles: Mi Señor es Allah, Quien se ocupa de todos mis asuntos y también de todo el universo por Su gracia. A Él adoro y no le atribuyo copartícipes. Allah dice: “Alabado sea Allah, Señor del universo.” (Corán 1:2)
El universo es todo aquello que Allah ha creado, y yo formo parte de ese universo.
Si te preguntan: ¿Cómo sabes de la existencia de tu Señor? Diles: Por medio de Su creación y Sus signos [que lo evidencian]. Entre Sus signos se encuentran la noche y el día, el sol y la luna; y en Su creación se encuentra los siete cielos, la tierra, quienes los habitan y todo cuanto hay entre ambos. Allah dice: “Entre Sus señales están la noche y el día, el sol y la luna; no os postréis ante el sol ni la luna, postraos ante Allah que los creó, si es a Él a Quien adoráis.” (Corán 41:37)
“Ciertamente vuestro Señor es Allah Quien creó los cielos y la tierra en seis días, luego se estableció en el trono. Hace que la noche y el día se sucedan ininterrumpidamente. Y creó el sol, la luna y las estrellas sometiéndolos a Su voluntad. ¿Acaso no Le pertenece la creación y Él es Quien dictamina las órdenes según Le place? ¡Bendito sea Allah, Señor del Universo!” (Corán7:54)
“Él hizo de la tierra un lugar habitable para vosotros y del cielo un techo, e hizo descender la lluvia del cielo con la que hace brotar frutos para vuestro sustento. No atribuyáis, pues, copartícipes a Allah, siendo que sabéis [que Él es el único Creador].” (Corán 2:22)
Dijo Ibn Kazír, que Allah tenga misericordia de él: “El Creador de todo lo existente es Quien realmente merece ser adorado.”
Entre las distintas formas de adoración que Allah ha ordenado se encuentran el Islam [como una forma de adoración externa, ya sea la oración, el ayuno, la peregrinación u otras formas], el Imán y el Ihsán [como forma de adoración interna, es decir la fe y la sinceridad]. También la súplica, el temor, la esperanza, encomendarse a Él, el anhelo, la
humildad, el arrepentimiento, el pedido de ayuda, refugio y socorro, el sacrificio de animales, las promesas, y otras. Todas estas formas de adoración ordenadas por Allah deben ser realizadas única y exclusivamente para Él. Allah dice:
“Por cierto que en las mezquitas sólo se adora a Allah, así pues no invoquéis a nada ni a nadie junto con Allah.” (Corán 72:18)
Aquel que dirija algún acto de adoración a otro en vez de Allah es considerado un idólatra porque Allah dice:
“Y quien invoca a otro dios junto a Allah, sin tener prueba, tendrá que rendir cuenta ante Él. Y los incrédulos no prosperarán.” (Corán 23:117)
Y también se menciona en el hadíz: “La súplica es la esencia de la adoración.” Esto se corrobora cuando Allah dice:
“Y dice vuestro Señor: ¡Invocadme, os responderé!” (Corán 40:60)
Respecto al temor dice Allah:
“No les temáis sino temedme a Mí, si sois creyentes.” (Corán 3:175)
Sobre la esperanza:
“Quien tenga la esperanza de la comparecencia ante su Señor que realice obras piadosas y que no adore a nadie más que a su Señor.” (Corán 18:110)
Acerca de encomendarse a Allah, dice el Altísimo:
“Y encomendaos a Allah si sois creyentes.” (Corán 5:23)
“Y quien se encomienda a Allah, Él le es suficiente.” (Corán 65:3)
Sobre el anhelo, el temor y la humildad dice:
“Nos invocaban ansiosos y temerosos, y eran ante nosotros humildes.” (Corán 21:90)
Sobre el temor Allah dice:
{No les temáis a ellos, sino sólo a Mí.} (2:150)
Respecto del arrepentimiento, Allah dice:
{Volveos arrepentidos a vuestro Señor, y someteos a Él.} (39:54)
Sobre buscar Su ayuda, Allah dice:
{Sólo a Ti adoramos y de Ti imploramos ayuda.} (1:5)

Dice el Hadíz: “Si buscas ayuda, búscala en Allah6[6].”
Dice Allah sobre buscar refugio en Él:
{Di [¡Oh, Muhammad!]: Me refugio en el Señor de los humanos. El Soberano de los
humanos.} (114:1-2)
Acerca de buscar Su socorro, dice el Altísimo:
{Cuando pedisteis socorro a vuestro Señor, y os oyó.} (8:9)
Con respecto a los sacrificios de animales dice Allah :
{Diles: Por cierto que mi oración, mi oblación, mi vida y mi muerte pertenecen a Allah,
Señor del universo. Quien no tiene copartícipes. En esto es lo que se me ha ordenado creer, y soy el primero [de esta nación] en someterse a Allah.} (6:162-163)
En la Sunnah se menciona: “Allah maldice a quien sacrifica los animales en nombre de otro que no sea Allah.”7[7]
Acerca de las promesas dice Allah :
{Fueron fieles a sus promesas y temieron un día cuyo mal será de alcance universal.}

3[4] Ha hecho del cielo una cúpula protectora como si fuese un techo de la tierra.
4[5] Ha sido transmitido por At Tirmidhi de Anas Ibn Málik Dice Ibn Al Azír en su obra ``An Niháiah'' La esencia es lo más puro de algo, y la súplica es la esencia de la adoración debido a dos razones: 1º Porque se acata la orden de Allah cuando dice {Suplicadme os responderé} 2º Si se logra apreciar que el éxito de todo radica en Allah, se deja de poner esperanzas en alguien distinto a él, pidiéndole únicamente a Él. Éste es el fundamento de la adoración, ya que lo que se busca al adorar a Allah es ser recompensado, y ello es lo que se anhela en la súplica.
5[6] Éste es un fragmento de un Hadíz más extenso transmitido por Tirmidhi, el cual dijo que es un Hadíz bueno y
correcto (Hasan Sahíh). El significado es que si buscáis ayuda para cargar con las responsabilidades de esta vida y la
próxima, debéis buscarla en Allah, ya que no existe otro verdadero Socorredor ni Sustentador más que Él. Hay que ir más allá de los medios para llegar a una estación de cercanía a Él tal como queda enunciado en Su palabra: {Solo a Ti
adoramos y de Ti imploramos ayuda.} No adoramos ni pedimos ayuda a nadie más que a Ti.

Los Tres Principios Fundamentales y Sus Pruebas
Sheij Muhammad At Tamimi
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The Islamic Dress Code

By Sheik Khalid Baig

What would you think of a home that provided no shelter and no privacy? What would you think of a meal that provided no nourishment and no energy? It does not take much to realize that if one were in the business of selling any of these he would go bankrupt very quickly. Yet, amazingly the rules seem to be different when it comes to another basic need: clothing, especially women's clothing. Every year fashion centers in Europe and America come up with the latest designs. And what have they designed? Another way of not covering the body; the dress equivalent of the home that provides no shelter and no privacy.

One might ask, if a person did not want to cover themselves why would they buy anything, least of all expensive fashions, to achieve that? If we think about it, we may see the tension between two forces. All human beings (except for the handful of deviants who call themselves naturalists) have an inborn sense of shame. People of all religions agree on the need to cover themselves in public. Yet we also find a force that promotes nudity. Large segments of humanity are caught between two impulses: to cover or not to cover. Our clothing designs reflect different levels of compromise between these opposing forces.

Why? What is going on?

Science cannot answer the question. It cannot trace the origins of forces that take place deep in our mind. In addition, most of the scientific establishment is still dominated by the followers of Mr. Darwin and Darwinism is a system of belief not science. Their beliefs keep them from dealing honestly with a simple fact: while all other animals have a skin that provides them protection against the elements, human beings don't. Monkeys can live without clothing, human beings cannot.

The Qur'an answers the question. Our bodies did not develop our skin--- so thin and fur free that it requires external covering for protection---because of some unexplained evolutionary accident. Our Creator designed it this way so we will always need clothing. He also put in us the sense of shame that forces us to cover ourselves. On the other hand, the first act of Satan was to cause Adam and Eve to expose themselves: "So by deceit he brought about their fall: when they tasted of the tree, their shameful parts became manifest to them, and they began to sew together the leaves of the Garden over their bodies." [Al-A'raf 7:22]. This is the source of the tension we see. Two opposing forces. Good and evil.

With that background we can understand the importance of clothing. "Oh Children of Adam! We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover your shame as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness---that is the best." [Al-A'raf 7:26]. The address here is to all humanity, emphasizing thereby the universal human need to cover ourselves properly. The Qur'an then warns that Satan was not finished after his first attempt: "Oh Children of Adam! Let not Satan seduce you in the same manner as he got your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their raiment, to expose their shame." [Al-A'raf 7:27].

Once we realize the nature of the dress issue, it is natural that we should turn to our Creator to seek guidance for the proper dress code. Qur'an and Sunnah have provided ample guidance on the subject which can be summarized in four essential principles.

1. Our dress must cover our body adequately. Again we cannot determine what is adequate coverage on our own, as any witness to the misery of those who have tried it can readily ascertain. Shar'iah, as always, takes us out of this misery by defining it for us. For men, it is the middle part of the body from navel to knee. For women, it is the entire body except hands and face. These parts must never be exposed to any other person (except in case of genuine need e.g. medical treatment). In addition, the cloth must be neither see-through nor tight fitting.

2. Our dress should provide adornment. It should provide for decent appearance. Our appearance should not be an eyesore for decent human beings. For men, this extends the coverage requirements to include most of the body. For women, the essential requirement is that their dress should identify them as respectable ladies who would be honored not harassed. Additionally, hijab rules aim at protecting them from the gaze of other men.

3. Our dress should establish our Islamic identity. At the least it should not identify us as followers of another religion. But, additionally it should positively identify us as Muslims.

4. The design of our dress must avoid three deadly sins: show off, arrogance, and self indulgence. These are very serious diseases of the heart in their own right that we must avoid at all times. Our garments provide an easy opportunity to nurture them. Hence the need to be extra cautious. One Hadith states "Eat what you feel like and wear what you feel like. But avoid two things: extravagance and arrogance." [Bukhari]. At the risk of stating the obvious one should be reminded that this Hadith establishes an overriding concern that limits our choices within the realm of what is considered halal. It does not do away with the distinction between halal and haram.

As one implication of this general requirement, men are also required not to wear their lower garments below the ankle. (Many well-meaning Muslims today have been persuaded that this is a petty issue. This misgiving can be put to rest in a hurry if we just refer to the Hadith of Jabir bin Sulaym, Radi-Allahu anhu, in Abu Dawood. He asked the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam for some advice when leaving him after his very first meeting. Of the six pieces of advice given him one was: "Never let your lower garment go below the ankles because that is arrogance. And Allah does not like arrogance." Another was "Never belittle a good deed.")

Islam has not prescribed a particular dress style, giving us ample room to accommodate our needs, circumstances and tastes. However, these principles are for everyone and forever. Any garment that accommodates these principles will be Islamic dress. This is Islamic formula to dress for success. Eternal success.
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