

SALAT AL WITR (Oración impar)

SALAT AL WITR (Oración impar)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Uno de los pilares del Islam, es el Salat (la oración).  Como bien es conocido, los salats obligatorios son solamente 5 (fajr, dhuhur, asr, maghrib, isha).  Sin embargo, el salat witr aunque no se trata de un salat obligatorio, es considerado como Sunnah Al-Muakkadah, es decir, una práctica que el Profeta (pyb), siempre hacía, aun cuando estaba de viaje.
Se transmitió de Alí  que dijo: El salat witr (oración impar) no es obligatorio como las oraciones obligatorias. Sin embargo, cuando el Mensajero de Dios (pyb )  lo hacía, decía:
‘¡Ciertamente, Dios es impar (Uno-Único) y ama lo impar! ¡Rezad, pues, el salat witr (impar), oh gente del Corán!’.”
(Transmitido por Ahmad, an-Nasai, Abu Daud, Ibn Majad, y At Tirmidzi -Hadiz Hasan-)

¿Cuándo se realiza?

Su tiempo empieza después del Salat Isha y se extiende hasta el tiempo del Salat Fajr, es decir que se puede realizar ya sea al principio, en el medio o al final de la noche, antes del amanecer.  Es mejor realizarla antes del tiempo del Salat Fajr, es decir, al final de la noche, ya que es cuando los ángeles descienden, sin embargo si teme no despertar a tiempo, entonces es mejor hacerla antes de ir a dormir.
Si por alguna razón no logro hacer el Salat Witr a tiempo, entonces puede recuperarlo tan pronto recuerde, preferiblemente lo antes posible.

¿Cuántos rakahs se realizan?

Se pueden hacer 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, -algunos sabios sostienen que también pueden ser hasta 11 ó 13- Rakahs (Cada unidad de la oración que incluye las posiciones de pie, inclinado, postrado y sentado) para el Salat Witr.

¿Cómo se realiza?

Formas de realizar Witr

a)     Realizando dos Rakahs, concluyéndolas con el Taslîm (decir salam alaikum al final de la oración) y luego, realizando una Rakah  con  un  Tashahhud  (parte  de  la  oración que consiste en decir el shahadah -testificación de fe- y bendiciones por el Profeta (pyb) , y un Taslîm.

b)     Realizar todas las Rakahs con dos Tashahhuds y un Taslîm.

c)     Realizar todas las Rakahs una tras otra, sin Tashahhud, salvo en la penúltima, en cuyo caso, uno hace el Tashahhud, se levanta para hacer la última Rakah, al final de la cual hará un nuevo Tashahhud  finalizándose con el Taslîm.

d)     Realizar un Tashahhud y un Taslîm, en la última Rakah del Witr.

Recitaciones durante el Witr

En cada rakah se recita audiblemente la surah Al Fatiha  y a continuación otra surah del Corán.  Si fuera a realizar 3 rakahs de witr, entonces se recomienda recitar luego de Al Fatiha, la Surah al-Ala 87  en el primer rakah, la Surah Al Kafirun 109 en el segundo rakah y la surah Al Ikhlaas 112 en el tercer rakah.

Qunut de Witr

Además de esto, al realizar el último rakah se recomienda recitar Qunut (súplica que se hace mientras se encuentra haciendo el salat en posición de pie).  La Qunut correspondiente al Witr consiste en decir:

Allahumma Ihdina Fiman Hadaita  wa ‘Afini Fayamin ‘Afayta  wa Tawallani Fiman Tawallayta  wa Barik li Fima A’tayta  wa Qini Sharra  ma Qadayta  Fainnaka Taqdy wa lâ Yuqda ‘Alaika  wa Innahu lâ Yadillu man Walayta  wa lâ Ya’izzu man ‘Adayta  Tabaraka Rabbanâ wa Ta’layta

(¡Oh Dios!, guíame entre quienes has guiado, sáname entre quienes has sanado, hazte cargo de mí entre aquellos de quienes te has hecho cargo, bendíceme en lo que me has dado, protégeme del mal que hayas decretado: Lo que Tú decretas nadie puede impedirlo. Aquél con quien Tú estás nunca será humillado, y a quien Tú tomas por enemigo, nunca será honrado. ¡Bendito y Exaltado seas Señor Nuestro!)

Entonces se pide bendiciones por el Profeta (pyb)  diciendo por ejemplo:
wa Salla Allâhu ‘Ala Nabî Muhammad
(Y Dios bendiga al Profeta Muhammad)

El qunut  no es obligatorio para que el salat witr sea válido, sin embargo se recomienda recitarlo.   Si  no  lo  ha memorizado  puede  leerlo de un  papel o  libro o  en su  lugar decir otra dua (súplica) – según la opinión de algunos sabios-, pero lo mejor es seguir la Sunnah recitándolo de acuerdo a las palabras del Profeta (pyb).

Al recitar qunut, se recomienda –por algunos sabios- levantar las manos hasta la altura del pecho con las palmas como en dirección hacia la cara.

El qunut de Witr se recita en el último rakah, y hay dos formas de hacerlo:

a)    Luego de las recitaciones de la surah Al Fatiah y de la otra surah, se hace un takbir (decir Allahu Akbar) y se recita el qunut, es decir, antes de hacer ruku (posición de inclinarse en ángulo de 90º grados con las manos en las rodillas).

b)    Al levantarse del ruku,  antes de hacer sujud (postración).
No se deben pasar sus manos sobre el rostro después de hacer qunut.

Dua después del Salat Witr

Repetir 3 veces, con voz más audible la tercera vez la siguiente dua:

Subhanal Malikil Quddusi

(Glorificado sea El Soberano, El Santísimo)

También se puede añadir luego de la dua anterior las siguientes palabras:

Rabbul Malaikati war Ruh

(Señor del angel Jibril-Gabriel- y de todos los ángeles)

¿Cómo realizar el salat Witr de acuerdo al número de Rakahs que haga?

Witr de 1 rakah

Se hace como un rakah usual, pero se añade el Qunut de Witr, y por supuesto termina con un Tashahhud y  un Taslim.

Witr de 3 Rakahs

Se puede hacer 3 rakahs en cualquiera de las siguientes formas:
a)     Hacer Tashahhud y Taslim después del segundo rakah y luego hacer un rakah más que debe incluir el Qunut de Witr y terminar nuevamente con un Tashahhud y un Taslim, es decir que en total consiste en dos Tashahhud y dos Taslims. Ésta se considera la forma más preferible por algunos sabios.

b)     Hacer un Tashahhud y un Taslim solamente después de la tercera rakah, no antes. Incluir el  Qunut en el tercer rakah.

c)     Hacer un Tashahhud en la segunda rakah, luego hacer el tercer rakah, incluyendo el Qunut y terminar con el tashahhud y taslim, es decir que en total consiste en dos Tashahhuds y un Taslim –esta última forma es aceptada por la madhab (escuela) hanafi, pero desaconsejada por algunos sabios quienes la consideran demasiado similar al salat Maghrib-.

Witr de 5 ó 7 Rakahs

Hacer los 5 ó 7 rakahs continuamente, haciendo solamente un Tashahhud y un Taslim al final e incluir qunut en la última rakah.

Witr de 9 Rakahs

Hacer los rakahs continuamente, pero en el octavo rakah se hace un Tashahhud no Taslim, luego se levanta para hacer el noveno y último rakah que debe incluir el Qunut y terminar con un Tashahhud y un Taslim,  es decir que en total se hacen dos Tashahhuds y un Taslim.

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Eid Al Fitr, Eid Mubarak

¿Cuál es la definición de la oración del Eid al-Fitr?
Eid Al-Fitr o festividad del desayuno se celebra el primero del mes de Shawual del calendario lunar islámico, al terminar el ayuno de Ramadán.

¿Cuándo se realiza esta oración?
La oración de Eid Al-Fitr se realiza al día siguiente de haber completado el ayuno del mes de Ramadán. Esta oración es representativa del Islam, y los musulmanes la practican en agradecimiento por haber cumplido con el ayuno del mes de Ramadán.
Narró 'Aisha que el Mensajero de Allah (que la paz y las bendiciones de Allah sean con él) dijo: “El Eid Al-Fitr es el día que la gente desayuna…” .

¿Cuál es el veredicto legal de la oración del Eid?
Las oraciones de ambas festividades son una Sunnah confirmada prescripta para todo musulmán y musulmana. Algunos sabios la consideraron una obligación comunitaria (Fard Kifaiah), es decir que si algunos individuos de la sociedad cumplen con la obligación el resto de la sociedad no es culpable de no realizarla. Pero otros sabios la consideraron una obligación individual (Fard ‘Ain), es decir que todo individuo de la sociedad, responsable de sus obras debe realizarla y de lo contrario estaría cometiendo un pecado. Pero la primera opinión es más acertada, y Allah sabe más.

¿En que horario se realiza esta oración?
Se puede realizar desde que el sol se ha elevado en el cielo la altura de una lanza (es decir entre media hora y 45 minutos después de su salida) y hasta el mediodía. Si se confirma el Eid recién después del mediodía, se rezará al día siguiente en su horario.

¿Cuáles son las Sunnas o actos recomendados el día del Eid?
Es Sunnah que los asistentes estén limpios y vistan sus mejores ropas, como muestra de alegría y festividad en ese día.
Es recomendado que asistan todas las mujeres, incluso las que no están rezando debido a su ciclo menstrual, las cuales escucharán la Jutbah pero no participarán de la oración.
Narró Umm 'Atiya: se nos ordenó que saliéramos las jóvenes solteras y las menstruantes para festejar las dos oraciones festivas, para participar de la alegría y los ruegos, pero se solicitó a las menstruantes que no ingresen a los lugares de oración. 
Es Sunnah madrugar para llegar temprano a la oración, inmediatamente después del amanecer. Se recomienda dirigirse caminando si es posible.
Narró 'Ali: Es Sunnah ir a la oración del Eid caminando. 
También se recomienda tomar un camino a la ida y otro distinto a la vuelta, para cumplir con la Sunnah y dar más magnificencia a la ocasión (al encontrarse con más gente ese día).
Es Sunnah comer un número impar de dátiles antes de salir hacia la oración de Eid Al-Fitr.
Narró Anas que el Mensajero de Allah (que la paz y las bendiciones de Allah sean con él) no salía, el día del desayuno, hasta haber comido algunos dátiles . Otra versión narrada por Ahmad dice: “y solía comer un número impar de ellos.”
Es Sunnah que el Imám se dirija a las mujeres en su Jutbah para recordarles sus deberes y exhortarlas a hacer caridad.

¿Dónde se debe realizar la oración del Eid?
Este rito se realiza en un terreno descampado cercano a la ciudad. No se suele realizar la oración del Eid en las mezquitas salvo que exista algún motivo puntual, como la lluvia o algo similar.
Narró Abu Huraira: Llovió un día del Eid y entonces el Profeta (que la paz y las bendiciones de Allah sean con él) dirigió la oración del Eid en la mezquita. 
Cuando el asistente llega al mismo, debe rezar dos Raka‘át y sentarse a alabar a Allah.
Narró Ibn 'Abbás que el Profeta (que la paz y las bendiciones de Allah sean con él) rezó dos Rak'at el día del Eid, y no rezó otras oraciones ni antes ni después. 
Es recomendable rezar dos Raka‘át al regresar a la casa ya que se narra de Abu Sa'id que el Profeta nunca rezó antes de la oración del Eid, pero cuando volvía a su casa rezaba dos Rak'at.

¿Cómo se realiza la oración del Eid?
Cuando llega el momento del oración, el Imám se adelanta y dirige a la gente en dos Raka‘át que se realizan sin Adhán ni Iqámah.
Narró Ibn 'Abbásque  el Profeta (que la paz y las bendiciones de Allah sean con él) rezó la oración del Eid sin  que se pronunciase Adhán ni Iqámah.
En la primera Rak‘ah pronuncia siete veces la fórmula del Takbîr (Allahu Akbar) incluyendo Takbîrah Al-Ihrám. En la segunda Rak‘ah repite el Takbîr sólo cinco veces, además del Takbîr que pronunció al ponerse de pie.
Narró 'Amr Ibn Shu'aib de su padre, y este de su abuelo que el Profeta (que la paz y las bendiciones de Allah sean con él) dijo: “Son siete Takbir los de la primera Rak'a de la oración del Eid Al-Fitr y cinco en la segunda, y la recitación del Corán en ambas es después de los Takbir.”
Es Sunnah que el Imám recite Surah “El altísimo” (#87) después de Al-Fátihah en la primera Rak‘ah y Surah “El día angustiante” (#88) en la segunda. También es recomendable recitar Surah “Qáf” (#50) en la primera Rak‘ah y Sûrah “La luna” (#54) en la segunda.
Es bueno alternar entre estas dos opciones para practicar la Sunnah en toda su variedad.
Cuando el Imám termina la oración del Eid, los que deseen podrán marcharse, pero es mejor permanecer sentado y escuchar la Jutbah pronunciada por el Imám donde es recomendable alabar y agradecer a Allah por las gracias recibidas, mencionar la obligación de seguir Sus mandatos y exhortar a los musulmanes a dar caridades y ser generosos.
Narró Abu Sa'id que el Profeta (que la paz y las bendiciones de Allah sean con él) salía el día del desayuno y el día del sacrificio al lugar de la oración, y comenzaba con la oración, luego se paraba y disertaba ante la gente que permanecía en sus filas sentados, invitándolos al bien y ordenándoles sus obligaciones.
Si el Eid coincide con un día viernes, quien asista al oración del Eid queda eximido de la oración del Yumu‘ah, por lo que rezará el Dhuhr normalmente. En cambio, el Imám y los que no hayan asistido al oración del Eid deben rezar el Yumu‘ah.
Si el Imám olvida pronunciar un Takbîr adicional y empieza a recitar Al-Fátihah no debe reponerlo, pues es una Sunnah cuya ocasión ha terminado.

¿Qué debe hacer quien llega tarde a la oración del Eid?
Quien se retrase y se una a la oración del Eid después que éste haya comenzado, deberá completar lo que le faltó del mismo luego de que el Imám pronuncie el Taslîm. Y quien haya perdido la oración la podrá reponer manteniendo su forma prescrita.

¿Qué es el Takbir del Eid?
Es Sunnah que los musulmanes pronuncien el Takbîr en voz alta durante los días del Eid, en sus casas y mezquitas.

¿Cuándo se debe pronunciar este Takbîr?
El Takbîr se inicia en la víspera del Eid y termina al iniciarse la oración del Eid.

¿Cómo es el Takbîr?
Se puede decir:
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, La iláha illa Allah. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar ua lillahil hamd (Allah es el más grande, Allah es el más grande, no hay más dios que Allah. Allah es el más grande, Allah es el más grande y para Allah es toda alabanza).
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, La iláha illa Allah. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar ua lillahil hamd (Allah es el más grande, Allah es el más grande, Allah es el más grande, no hay más dios que Allah. Allah es el más grande, Allah es el más grande, Allah es el más grande y para Allah es toda alabanza).
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, La iláha illa Allah. Ua Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar ua lillahil hamd (Allah es el más grande, Allah es el más grande, Allah es el más grande, no hay más dios que Allah. Allah es el más grande, Allah es el más grande y para Allah es toda alabanza).

¿Cuál es el veredicto legal en el Islam respecto a las festividades de carácter religioso que no tienen asidero en la Sunnah?
La celebración del Isrá', la de mediados de Sha‘bán y la del nacimiento del Profeta y otras son meros inventos que no tiene asidero ni registro en la Sunnah, y por lo tanto se trata de innovaciones (Bida‘) que son rechazadas por el Islam. Quien las celebre o acepte, invite a otros a celebrarlas o gaste en su realización es un pecador, y cargará con su pecado y el pecado de los que imiten su práctica.
Narró Anas cuando el Mensajero de Allah  vino a Medina, la gente tenía dos días festivos. Él les dijo: “Allah os ha dado en reemplazo algo mejor: el día del sacrificio y el día del desayuno”. 
De esto podemos deducir que esta práctica es una innovación, porque el Profeta (que la paz y las bendiciones de Allah sean con él) dijo: “Quien realice alguna obra (de adoración) que no se encuentre registrada le será rechazada”  y también dijo: “Quien innove algo en esta materia (el Islam) que no sea originalmente de él, le será rechazado”  y para evidenciar que toda innovación es un desvío el profeta Muhammad dijo: “Toda innovación es desvío, y todo desvío lleva al infierno”.
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Help me sleep (ethan chong)

Do you know that prevention is better than cure? In fact, if you prevent insomnia from happening on you, you can lead a better life! Today in this article, I will provide you some tips and tricks that can help you sleep in no time! (I used these methods to help me sleep before, so have no worries about them as they are a proven and effective method for preventing insomnia.)

Here are the tips and tricks that I used to help me sleep:

Help me sleep method #1: Avoid coffee and other sources of caffeine
Do you know why we need to avoid coffee? This is because of the stimulating effect of caffeine which can last for many hours and interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night. Hence, you MUST avoid all sources of caffeine so that you can fall asleep more easily at night. There are many other sources of caffeine other than coffee, examples of foods that contain caffeine are, tea, soft drinks, some brands of aspirin and chocolate.

Help me sleep method #2: Limit your alcohol intake
Limiting your alcohol intake is an important factor in helping you sleep better. This is due to the alcohol's ability to disrupt brain electrical activity and undermine normal sleep architecture by suppressing the rapid eye movement stage of sleep.

Help me sleep method #3: Avoid or limit your naps
Try to avoid taking long naps in the afternoon. If you really want to refresh yourself, take a nap between 30 minutes - 1 hour. Do NOT sleep too much because napping can disrupt your natural sleep cycle and prevent you from feeling tired enough to fall asleep when you really want it, which is at night.

Help me sleep method #4: Don't force yourself to sleep if you are really not tired at all
This is the common mistake made by insomniacs. Do you know why I asked you not to force yourself to sleep if you are really not tired at all? It is because if you are not tired, you will set yourself up for tossing and turning in your bed, which is not what you wanted. Here's a tip: If you are awake after twenty minutes or so, get out of your bed and do something quiet and non-stimulating. After you start to feel tired, return back to your bed and try to sleep again.

Help me sleep method #5: Review your medications
Not all medications provided by your doctors are good for your sleep! There are some over-the-counter drugs which contain stimulants such as caffeine or pseudoephedrine that can prevent you from getting a good sleep! Hence, try to review your medications with your doctor before you take them before you sleep.

The above tips written are the proven techniques that I used to help me sleep. I hope that these tips and tricks to prevent insomnia can also help you sleep better. However, if your sleep problems persist, I would recommend that you seek a doctor because you might have a treatable underlying illness that's interfering with your sleep such as obstructive sleep apnea or depression.

Ethan Chong is a sleep expert who has been training and teaching people professionally on how to cure and treat their sleep disorders easily and instantly. Have a question related to sleep insomnia? Ask Ethan Chong at The author grants full reprint rights to this article. You may reprint and electronically distribute this article so long as its contents remain unchanged and the author's byline remains in place.
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Hunt for the best language translation services (Jason Hill)

With so many languages used in the international market, language translation services has become a must for companies operating at international level in order to sustain in the market and have effective communication. Effective communication in varied languages has become a primary stimulus in global marketing for the understanding of business documents that are often in the regional language of the area you are doing business in. It is almost next to impossible to have a strong hold on the number of languages needed to have communication with clients of different regions. This is where the interpreter services prove to be very helpful.

With the high demand of these services, there are numerous companies that offer these services with high quality. You can refer to the Yellow Pages or a business directory pertaining to your region to have contact details of such companies. Internet can also prove to be beneficial in these situations. You can find numerous listings of different agencies via the search engines. Here are few things that you should keep in mind while hiring the service of a language translator agency.

- Ensure that the company has enough credibility in the market and provides distinguished translation language service. Price should not always be the element of comparison. It is better to pay a little more for a better service than to get below standard services at a cheap price.

- Translation is a job where one needs to have maximum knowledge and expertise. Any mistranslation can cause you huge losses in your business. So it is advisable to look for certified translators. You should always check the service provided by the agency by asking for a sample work before assigning it the job.

- Confidentiality of information is something that should be given top priority. The assigned translation company should not reveal your information to any outsider at any cost or situation. You should make sure that the contract highlights such crucial points regarding the safeguarding of your company's document.

- Look for any additional service provided by the company like remote video interpretation. Such services can often come in handy in many situations. If an agency offers a bit more than the usual then it also tells a lot about its diversity and expertise in that particular field.

After conforming the above mentioned points you can rest be assured about your translation company. The agency will provide you complete satisfaction with the job you assign, be it Spanish translation services or any other language.

The translation language service is now a prerequisite for global marketing and communication. You can now get the assistance of well trained and trusted translators.
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The Advantages of Telephone Counselling (Caroline Bronte)

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How do you fix a relationship to Make Men crave for you ? (albert corey)

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Major Depressive Disorder Symptoms and Causes

There are many reasons that you could suffer the major depressive disorder. It is a state of mind when individual stop thinking and his/her brain pour into the series of negative thoughts. The sufferer further developed the tendency of being silent and introvert, some of the thoughts that always surround his/her brain are like committing suicide, smashing things to pull out anger and agony, hurting others and hurting themselves. Such people become quite aggressive and could harm to anyone no matter how close may be family friends or colleagues.

Once a person starts feeling the symptoms of depressive disorder he/she keeps digging in till someone helps them and pulls them out of the situation. Such person fails to differentiate between relationships, behavior and thoughts. They simply want to get rid of their lives or do something awful which will claim their senses. In most of the cases such people developed criminal mindset and they start doing crime without any objective or reason. They can kill anyone or even kill themselves for no reason.

There are many awful aspects of the depressive disorder and there are some disorders associated with it like mood disorder or bipolar disorder, as it completely hampers the life of the sufferer into a living hell. The victim soon walks into the darker side of the life and suffering agony of being human. He/she stops feeling for others and giving any importance to the people around them. They just kept on thinking and thinking and finally go into the deep silence mode where they even stop eating or drinking. That would be the worst situation for any person suffering from the depressive disorder which not only makes them mentally retired, but also their families and friends.

Occasionally those that have this kind of depressive condition can certainly find out sounds or perhaps notice other activities which might be not related with real life. This kind of stage is associated with the depression; as you furthermore learn to consider that person suffering from such a disorder develop a feeling of self hatred among them. A number of cases also declare that when someone is actually watching television, they will consider that it must be transferring some form of unsure emotions in their brain. In addition you will find there's critical indicator referred to as psychosis, this means you are outside of feel to perception associated with truth. This is deadly when they are all combined jointly. Should you or perhaps other people is actually struggling with this stage associated with atypical depression, including paranoia, psychosis, or other types of odd imagining, it might require a specialist to treat this disorder and bring the victim to a normal state of mind.

Robert Westover is a well known writer who has covered a wide array of subjects so far. He writes on important and useful topics like Major Depressive Disorder and Mood Disorder which has helped her to garner a huge reader base.
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Conditions Involving in The Bipolar Disorder

Mixed bipolar disorder is of two kinds. The one which is the combination of two important symptoms involving major depression and mania at the same time and another kind is the rapid cycling. Every condition reveals its list of problems; as well as every single disorder requires a specialist treatment for cure.

Combine Disorder: In the initial stage, manic behavior is of feeling hopeless disposition condition. This specific seemingly illogical mix calls for extreme cure, otherwise it could develop constant psychosis or a suicidal habit can in the sufferer. Some of the common symptoms associated with mix bipolar disorder are the extreme desire for food, unpredictable mood swings, common agitation, uncertain behavior and many other such symptoms.

Rapid Cycling: The actual condition of rapid cycling involves unnatural extinct of four episodes in a year. They could occur at any time in a given year and don't have any fixed frequency. The episodes are nothing but a state of mind when a person looses cool feels shy and suffer from rapid mood swing. These situations differ from person to person and could be for short term. Though, the intensity of episodes could be fatal as it can cause a severe damage to the brain cells and damage the central nerve system. A person going through such episodes becomes very dangerous and unable to incorporate between good and bad. Such person should never be left alone and must always be in vigilance.

The actual erratic character involving both the kinds of bipolar disorder clearly makes this problem very difficult to deal with, as well as more challenging to take care of when compared with other forms in this condition. This must also be noticed that certain situations make it far more difficult for the people to identify the bipolar disorder. The initial symptoms are as common as any other disorders hence people ignore them considering it as a regular mood disorder or a mental stress.

Major issues in dealing with bipolar disorder

The most effective method in regards to treat the bipolar disorder is that sufferer must receive help throughout guidance and counseling and by taking proper medication. It is additionally important that such people throughout their daily living look for their betterment. Depending on the individual, your special features involving put together bipolar disorder can certainly range between mildly impairing his common functioning in order to getting entirely unbearable.

Robert Westover is a well known writer who has covered a wide array of subjects so far. He writes on important and useful topics like Major Depressive Disorder and Mood Disorder which has helped her to garner a huge reader base.
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5 Happy events that can cause stress (Carolyn Bronte)

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The best way to Hypnotize Someone Without having Them Realizing

Do you usually wish that at times you would hypnotize people without them knowing? Picture how it would really feel, producing folks think in you, influence their reasoning and also command them to accomplish what you need. Would you make use of the expertise to acquire your dream lover's focus and even influence your boss to offer you a raise? You'll find different techniques you'll be able to capture a person's thoughts without having the particular person realizing. This can totally depend on how you induce he particular person to feel and behave. Hypnotizing particular person without having their approval just isn't a tough activity. Under are techniques in which you'll be able to unconsciously hypnotize someone.

Performing Conversational hypnosis

Conversational hypnosis requires the usage of conversation and some certain physique behavior to hypnotize someone. Depending on Neuro Linguistic programming and Ericksonian hypnosis, conversational hypnosis requires the usage of body language, speech patterns and certain predetermined phrases to capture and influence a person's subconscious mind.

When performing conversational hypnosis to someone, you'll be able to speak about something. So extended as you use some already predetermined phrases and certain speech patterns when carrying out the conversation. Typically, the mood in the particular person whom you might be wanting to hypnotize will not matter. Conversational hypnosis is identified to perform with any individual so extended because the particular person performing the hypnosis coheres for the certain speech patterns.

What to accomplish when performing conversational hypnosis?

Just before performing conversational hypnosis you ought to commence by acquiring your subject's focus. Should you make conversations without having the topic looking at you, probably you are going to not influence their subconscious mind. Make an effort to use relaxing words and a few affectionate actions that will very easily capture your subject's focus.

When you've got the subject's focus, engage the majority of your topic senses. When speaking or making use of certain phrases, make an effort to express them making use of actions. When speaking often and nod your head specifically when responding and if achievable use your hands.

Use appreciative phrases as significantly as you'll be able to within your conversation. Everyone enjoys listening to words of appreciation. Use of appreciative language will make certain that your topic offers you undivided focus and create trust in you.

Interruption in the way of carrying out things/pattern interruption

As human beings, you'll find techniques we've got programmed ourselves to execute distinct activities. This can be to allow us to execute distinct complex activities with ease. Any alteration inside the way we do items can have an influence on a person's thoughts.

In case you are capable to create a way in which you'll be able to alter the way someone performs his activities, you'll be able to be capable of capture the person's thoughts. As an example, when greeting your subject by shaking hands, request the subject to examine the hand. Because the particular person looks at the hand, focus on the subject eyes and see the quick influence in the modify of pattern of carrying out items.

Hypnotizing someone< is actually a stroll inside the park should you know how to influence a person's thoughts by utilizing some certain actions and words. All you will need is always to create a certain amount of trust with all the particular person you need to hypnotize.

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Want to Manage Stress? - Avoid Unhealthy Habits (Drugteststrips)

Stress is common in today's busy lifestyle. Many people are resorting to harmful habits like smoking, drinking, substance abuse, etc. to deal with stress. These habits may give temporary relief by taking the mind away from the situation causing stress. But in long run, they create new problems and destroy the individual's life.

Many people are struggling with stress:
Stress became a part of our regular life today. It could be due to financial problems, problems at work, an argument with children or spouse, health issues like diabetes, arthritis or a heart disease. Look around and you can see many people in stress for some reason or the other. Whether the problem is big or small, whether it is caused by external factors or internal perceptions, the ultimate result will be anxiety and stress.

People are turning to unhealthy habits:
Many of us are blessed with enough emotional strength and self-esteem to deal with regular stress in life. However, some people, who are not mentally strong enough, turn to unhealthy activities that may provide an instant relief. As they feel better for that moment, they simply turn to unhealthy habits every now and then to confront stress. Thus, it turns into a habit and eventually an addiction.

Avoid unhealthy habits:
Smoking, alcohol and drug abuse are common unhealthy habits adopted by people to beat the stress. However, you wouldn't know when these unhealthy stress relieving habits have turned into stress-causers, making you weaker mentally. Not only will they add up to your stress, they will also start impacting your health adversely, making you unhealthy both physically and mentally.

Smoking: Though many people are aware of the fact that smoking is injurious to health, they find it to be a better option to deal with stress. Tobacco contains a psychoactive drug, called nicotine, which creates an illusion in the human brain. The brain will not be able to understand the adverse effects on body like increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, tensed muscles, constricted blood vessels, etc. By smoking you are just transferring you stress from brain to body.

Excessive drinking: Many studies reported that alcohol abuse is many times related to stress caused by economic struggle, job issues or marital discord. A drink or two may not matter much, but excessive drinking can simply land you in troubles. Long term excessive drinking may lead to chronic mental disorders apart from causing physical harm including liver and cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc.

Illegal drug use: Many theories of addiction claim that stress leads to increased drug use. Illicit drug abuse is highly addictive and may cause more mental disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, etc. Adverse physical effects are obvious due to drug abuse. Drug abusing person may also face economic and social problems.

Inculcate healthy habits:
Overeating or under-eating, procrastination, prescription drug abuse, too much sleeping, etc. are other common unhealthy habits embraced by people to deal with stress. Like alcohol or substance abuse, they also exacerbate the stress levels. Stress will always be there; the path you choose to manage it makes the difference.

There are many ways to manage stress effectively. Inculcating healthy habits such as regular physical exercise, yoga or meditation, intake of nutrient-rich food, etc. can help a lot in managing stress. Healthy habits not only protect you from harmful effects of stress, but also help you build physical strength and mental confidence to manage stress causing situations.

Practicing unhealthy habits may seem to be an easy way to deal with stress compared to adopting healthy lifestyle, but it will most probably lead to destruction.

Processing ...
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The busy schedule and work pressure can drive you away from your hygiene and good health. It can become a great cause of sadness, stress and anxiousness. Here we have some great tips and working remedies which can get these things away from you and help you to live a comfortable life.

When you are busy and have less time to give yourself space to live your life according to you then it becomes pattern of disturbing psychological and physiological reactions. And that may cause internal problems and can badly affect one's ability to cope himself. However, it may cause of some diseases like headache, stress, losing hairs, nausea and restlessness etc.

Sometimes your work stress can become a life threatening fact for you, and it can affect your health in various ways.

These all pressure can drill a great wound inside even your heart and they become the very worst part of your life. Sometimes when you get very much frustrated with all these stuffs then you are caught by many bad habits like chain smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs and this is the point of life when it becomes a great reason of your fiasco.

These all thing like stress and restlessness can seem very trivial but leave a great remark on your health. Yes, these all things can be cure or prevented. But we need a great guidance and instructions. Here we have some great tips to remove these all frustration from your life and live it happily without stress.


One of the effective tips to prevent this thing is to enjoy yourself as much as you can.
After doing a lot of hard work you can pamper yourself at the end of the day by going to SPA or for any BODY MASSAGE, because it gives the relax to your body and mind after a lot of work pressure.

Meditation or yoga is one of the great therapies to relax you and to prevent yourself from all work pressure and stress. Meditations give the real pleasure and relax to mind it is the subject to giving peace to mind. And yoga has a power to make your body or muscles free from all the injuries and diseases.

Spending time with your family members also is a kind of therapy which gives the real peace and pleasure to our mind and soul. Because half of the problems occur when you don't have adequate time for your family.

The most important and practically great test is to analyze your mistakes and why these all stress or problems taking place in you life...? The best way to analyze this is writing. By writing a diary you can rehabilitate yourself from the mistakes that you have done in you past or in your work. The one should think over these mistakes and hindrance positively and take out the best way to deal with them.

A party or a get together with friends can be the best way to get rid from all of the tensions and stress. Because sometime when you meet with your beloved old friends, your past stories and moments create a smile on your face and give the big reason to cheer. It works as a therapy to treat you.

Good and hygienic diet is as important as your work is... Have a great diet and never shy in eating healthy and hygienic eatables.

Last but not least way to get rid from all the stress and tensions or any disease due to work pressure or stress, is a rehabilitation center. These rehabilitation centers can pamper you and release you from all the stress and diseases.

Following all these instruction can drive you away from all hindrance in your way and pamper you from all the pressure and stress. And after which you see yourself a new enthusiastic man with a great zeal to survive and live the best phrase of you life.

Raj Choudhary has been a professional in article writing for over 3 years. His experience is extensive and he provides professional travel consulting and booking services at Kerala Tour Packages
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Taking A Hypnosis Program To Quit Smoking

People who are involved in long term smoking are exposed to many deadly diseases like cancer, heart disease and many other lung diseases. It is also impossible for them to have someone with them to help in their treatment and rehabilitation. So it is their own responsibility to think about their life and join a rehabilitation program to get out of all these problems and improvise their life. Such a rehabilitation program is known as the stop smoking hypnosis program. These treatments will help you to understand your problems and show way to get out of all these issues and will also help you to stop thinking about the further smoking.

What does hypnosis do?

The hypnosis programs will help you to stop thinking about smoking and come out of that habit. The well trained hypo-therapist will also help you to get positive thoughts on your life and will show the right path in your life. The hypnosis program is provided in various methods and this can be even done as a home treatment program through video and audio CDs. This treatment will not be the same for every person, it differs from one person to another and this treatment mostly depends on the susceptibility of being hypnotize. This treatment has been a successful one with many proved instances where many of them have come out of their addictions and have started to live a normal life without any symptoms.

Advantages of hypnosis treatment

These types of treatments will not have any side effects or symptoms. It will have a long lasting effect on your life and on your personal positive feelings. There are many other advantages like lesser health risks, drug free treatment, not lengthy or irritable and this can also be provided in the best way as you need them to be.

Find the right hypnosis treatment for your problems

There are many places providing such kinds of hypnosis treatments for the people addicted to smoking. If you choose the right place to give you the hypnosis treatment then you can get the best treatment from the well trained hypo-therapist. They will also be able to give you the treatment as you require and want it to be.

You can search for a kind of treatment from the internet sources or any health and rehabilitation directories. It would also be the best thing if you get a reference from any of your friends or relatives about the best place for your treatment.

Balance4life helps you change your mind through Hypnosis and helps people to stop smoking. They provide their service in Sterling Heights, MI. To know more details about the process they follow to help people to quick smoking click this url
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How to Turn Away from Substance Abuse (Drugteststrips)

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Step-by-Step Concerning How to Hypnotize Someone Without Them Knowing

If you'd prefer governing the lives of other folks then learning to hypnotize someone without them knowing might allow you to accomplish what you need to accomplish. A lot of people have no idea that performing such a cute thing is achievable however it is about producing the best from life, able to find the partner you need, the sort of life you need and making the most effective from your chances got for all. To perform something, initially you must develop a space at heart for possibilities ahead of turning out perfectly into a reality. Furthermore, understand that you can not get visitors to do something. As an example, you can not hypnotize somebody to leap away from a window or anything for these. As there are deeper hardwired endurance mechanisms, which are made to safeguard our everyday life as opposed to what hypnosis will get to.

You can find three main steps of hypnotizing someone and reduce costs is always to stimulate an unclear state of awareness. This is essential since they shall be disposed in your hypnotic commands, and lowers their psychological defenses. Basically, it indicates causing them to be feel comfortable plus more relaxed in a really positive way. Communicate in the relaxed tone, which can be in accord making use of their breathing patterns as well as the subject needs to be about relaxing things like vacation something like that for these, using anchoring techniques and embedded commands so they can take deeper states of trance. Besides, the niche needs to be in times they are centering on what you may are telling them. It's also advisable to choose a place where you must acknowledge. The spot must comfortable and clear of noise.

One other step is always to embed wishes and concepts within their brain discreetly, to produce hypnotic tips to their unconscious mind. Consequently, it is extremely significant to comprehend hypnotic language guides. These represent the linguistic structures it is possible to connect with lsquoprogram' other folk's feelings and thoughts. A great tricky language guide is named lsquostacked presuppositions' in places you just presume various things within your sentences in order that their marbles are kept busy. Let them have a flatter. Praise them, be operational and they're going to become to be controlled by what you may being a hypnotist says. Praises create a place of reliance. You can even learn to nod your mind gradually when telling them your hypnotic command. As soon as you try this, they are going to also nod their heads as a possible agreement of what you may are letting them know.

The next and last step is always to close all of it and get rid of it. Once you place them in circumstances of state of hypnosis and effectively embedded ideas, you ought to make certain that they perform these suggestions when they recover their normal state of consciousness. As an example, it is possible to let them visualize that they perform certain actions in the future, in addition to how great they are going to feel when they finish hypnotizing your thinking, making some great benefits of the proceedings you need them to obtain specific. These are the basic main tips and guides of the way to hypnotize someone without them knowing, which can be proven and possess did wonders.

The author of the article like studying the hypnotize tips and have a blog, click here to visit the website.
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Life in a new light

Oxygen is considered the air that supports life, one way or another, and this has been essential in our daily lives. It has always been a serious talk, when it comes to this atmospheric composition; This is a conversation between life and death, and no one is more important.

The breakthrough, which became popular in the 90 's, which was designed to make the life sustaining gas be fun and exciting: an oxygen bar. This band is the life sustaining gas in a new perspective. Oxygen, which can be vital to life at the same time provides rest and relaxation as your body experience this new product and it comes in many different colors. A good time to say, "you bring color in my life."

The oxygen is so useful because it is exciting because it gives a boost to ninety (90) percent of oxygen in the body. For a ten-minute session, but fifteen (15) to twenty (2) minute session recommended tuna achieve optimal benefits. Effects may not be felt immediately, but after the session, those involved will feel a gradual increase in their energy and reduce aches and pains, which are felt because of the lactic acid building; increase of endurance can be also noticed after the session.

Oxygen bar has a lot of benefits for the body in a variety of situations. One of these areas is the experience of jetlag. In this trip the phenomena the blood in the body becomes thin, which makes it cannot be fully maintain human life, because the amount of oxygen at altitude, where the plane fly is very slim, makes a return in the blood in your body slim. The aircraft used a system that compresses air from the outside with the use of the engine before it pumps into the cab delivers breathable O2, but is still very thin because it provides twenty (20) to twenty-five (25) percent less O2 than what you normally breathe.

The oxygen is also extremely good in times of extreme stress. Respiration of oxygen the body can help in coping with stress, which is why some of the people who are under stress are told to breathe deeply. Some of the people who enter theses bars are individuals who are extremely stressed and at this stage in our lives, we must stress relievers; It contributes to the popularity of the oxygen bars.

Finally the bars can help during intoxication with alcohol induced hangover. The hangover is believed to be caused by dehydration and the inability of the body to use oxygen that the body is taking in with the help of supplementary oxygen, that person is taking in this blood detoxifies quickly compared to the regular intake of the body of oxygen.

In contrast, it also has its side effects such as inflammation of the lungs due to fragrance oils that are included in the oxygen to make new fragrance oxygen bar flavor.

Just like drugs, O2 Cafe has its own side effects, so make sure you avoid excessive intake, because, again, just like any drug or something in life, too much of a good thing is bad.

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Feeling Depressed? Try These Helpful Tips And Advice (Christine Austria)

Depression and other periods of sadness have many causes. Sometimes it can be hard to understand the reasons for your depression, and difficult to find things that ease those feelings. The below article gives you some knowledge to assist you in knowing why you could be feeling depressed, as well as tips on how you can be a happier human being.

If you are struggling with depression, one of the best things you can do is to develop a broad range of interests. Having a number of activities to do that you enjoy can help keep you from dwelling on your negative feelings. A hobby that helps others at the same time can add to your self-confidence, too.

When you are trying to improve your depression symptoms, remember that it is a long road. Some people think that depression can be cured right away, and get disappointed when their symptoms do not go away right away. Stay focused and be proud when each symptom slowly does go away.

If you're dealing with depression, create a positive social circle. The more people you have in your life to support you, the better off you'll be when you are feeling down. In addition, having people who expect you to do things with them prevents you from staying home and wallowing.

One way to deal with depression is to "fake it till you make it". This means to act, walk, talk, and eat as if you were not depressed. If nothing else, faking it will mean that other things in your life are not neglected while you are depressed. At best, the behaviors will help re-route your brain and actually help cure your depression.

Although pushing people away and wanting to be alone is an instinct when you are depressed it is the last thing you want to do. Accept any and all help that comes your way and you will soon find yourself on the pathway to healing. Whatever you do don't be a loner and isolate yourself.

You should never let yourself feel like a broken person because you are dealing with depression. Just as some people have to deal with bad lungs or a difficult disease, you have to deal with your depression. You should consider it to be nothing more than a nuisance in your life.

As you have already learned from this article, there is a lot that can cause you to become sad and depressed. However, if you use the advice from this article, you can get a handle on your depression, and could find yourself feeling better in no time.

If you are suffering from personality disorder with depression, it is important to learn helpful tips on how to better cope with this and also immediately contact your professional healthcare provider.
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