Assalamu Alaikum,
This is how Muslims greet others and themselves, it means "May peace be upon you"
I guess there must be a reason why God ordered us, Muslims, to greet with peace, and not for example with happiness or well-being...
Even to non Muslims, and even to those who hate Islam, we are taught to greet them with "May peace be upon those who follow the right path."
Q/ So, what if someone came to me (me, that is, a Muslim) and did not greet me with peace, can I kill him?!
A/ No, instead, I greet him with peace, whether or not he greets back.
This is how every Muslim begins their every single conversation in their daily life. Think for one moment how this would effect a society that is, ideally, Islamic.
Is peace this important in Islam?
Oh wait, what does the word Islam mean anyway?
In old Arabic (when the religion of Islam was first introduced by Prophet Abraham), Islam means, simply and surprisngly, "Peace".
However, with the changes that happened to the language along the thousands of years, the word Islam now carries another meaning, still very relevant and important. It means "Submission".
So, Peace and Submission are the title of this religion.
This needs to be reflected upon deeply......
What is peace?
and, Submission to what? or why should I submit to something I don't know anything about? what about Freedom?
Are Peace and Submission the most important things in life?
we shall explore this step-by-step... Insha'Allah.
Insha'Allah means "if God wills", and this is obviously deeply connected to the meanings of submission.
meanwhile, Praise be to Lord who inspired me, and enabled me to write this, and enabled you to read it.
Please hesitate not to leave any questions/comments on the comment section.
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