

Al-Qaeda Invites America to Islam

I found this 50-minute video posted on the internet about two months ago, in which the 2nd man of al-Qaeda, Ayman Al-Thawahiri, shows up briefly for few minutes to introduce and authenticate 'Azzam The American' - An American Jew who converted to Islam and joined al-Qaeda -, then the latter gives a message that lasts for 45 minutes, in which he attempts to explain and invite Americans to the religion of Submission to the God.

The video was available online to download until recently, but now I could only find it in YouTube, I don't know if it will stay there for a long time.

This is the first part of the video, where Al-Thawahiri introduces Azzam, and the first minutes of Azzam's speech.

For the rest of the video, here are the links:

Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six

To be honest, this is the first time I actually hear about this Azzam the American guy, but when I googled his name, I got over 36000 results. (which is, by the way, almost equal to the number that you would get if you googled any regular blogger's name, including my own name!) I also learnt that he was the first American to be charged with treason since World War II !

I dunno if Americans are very loyal people to their government, or just indifferent of it.

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