Onani dihalakan oleh ISLAM ???
By. Noor El Maseeh El Fansuri
Ini merupakan fatwa dari Ugama Islam yang tersohor dalam dunia Islam oleh Shaykh Mahmood Khaleel Harraas dengan judul bukunya Fataawa Shaykh Mahmood Khaleel Harraas - Page 282-283. Laman fatwa Shaykh dapat ditengok di (http://www.fatwa-online.com/fataawa/miscellaneous/masterbation/0051029 .htm)
Saya tuliskan kutipan Fatwa tersebut, seperti dibawah ini:
Question: We have heard alot about the one who masturbates, so is there a hadeeth with the meaning that the one who masturbates and the one who has intercourse with a slavewoman is cursed whatever the situation? I implore you to give this subject it's right, and may Allaah cause you to be of benefit.
Response: I do not recall any hadeeth regarding the masturbator being cursed, however, I have read that a youth was sitting in the gathering of Ibn 'Abbaas (radhi-yAllaahu 'anhumaa) and waited until everyone had left, whereupon he asked Ibn 'Abbaas about that. So Ibn 'Abbaas said: ((Oh! Oh! Having intercourse with the slavewoman is better than that, and that is better than committing zinaa)), [Transmitted by al-Bayhaqee and Ibn Hazam in al-Muhallaa].
And I have also read in some of the books of the Hanaabilah the permissibility of masturbating for he who fears falling into zinaa. However, (the) gravity (of masturbating) is regarded the same as eating from the (already) dead carcass (i.e. if you have no other food and fear you will die if you do not eat from it), so it is not permissible for him to do so except for that which alleviates the dire necessity. And Allaah is the Most knowledgeable.
ditambah lagi dri source hadith:
Ada seorang pemuda mengaku kepada Ibnu Abbas, "Wahai Ibnu Abbas, saya seorang pemuda dan melihat wanita cantik. Aku mengurut-urut kemaluanku hingga keluar mani". Ibnu Abbas berkata, "Itu lebih baik dari zina, tetapi menikahi budak lebih baik dari itu (onani)." [Hr Buchari]
tambahan pula dalam hadist:
HR. Buchari 6288
Dari Abu Hurairah ra., Nabi saw. bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Allah menetapkan untuk cucu Adam mendapat bagian dari Zina, tidak boleh tidak. Zina mata adalah melihat (wanita), Zina lidah adalah berbicara, hati mengharap dan menginginkan, dan alat kelaminlah yang membenarkan atau mendustakan dia berbuat zina".
By. Noor El Maseeh El Fansuri
Ini merupakan fatwa dari Ugama Islam yang tersohor dalam dunia Islam oleh Shaykh Mahmood Khaleel Harraas dengan judul bukunya Fataawa Shaykh Mahmood Khaleel Harraas - Page 282-283. Laman fatwa Shaykh dapat ditengok di (http://www.fatwa-online.com/fataawa/miscellaneous/masterbation/0051029 .htm)
Saya tuliskan kutipan Fatwa tersebut, seperti dibawah ini:
Question: We have heard alot about the one who masturbates, so is there a hadeeth with the meaning that the one who masturbates and the one who has intercourse with a slavewoman is cursed whatever the situation? I implore you to give this subject it's right, and may Allaah cause you to be of benefit.
Response: I do not recall any hadeeth regarding the masturbator being cursed, however, I have read that a youth was sitting in the gathering of Ibn 'Abbaas (radhi-yAllaahu 'anhumaa) and waited until everyone had left, whereupon he asked Ibn 'Abbaas about that. So Ibn 'Abbaas said: ((Oh! Oh! Having intercourse with the slavewoman is better than that, and that is better than committing zinaa)), [Transmitted by al-Bayhaqee and Ibn Hazam in al-Muhallaa].
And I have also read in some of the books of the Hanaabilah the permissibility of masturbating for he who fears falling into zinaa. However, (the) gravity (of masturbating) is regarded the same as eating from the (already) dead carcass (i.e. if you have no other food and fear you will die if you do not eat from it), so it is not permissible for him to do so except for that which alleviates the dire necessity. And Allaah is the Most knowledgeable.
ditambah lagi dri source hadith:
Ada seorang pemuda mengaku kepada Ibnu Abbas, "Wahai Ibnu Abbas, saya seorang pemuda dan melihat wanita cantik. Aku mengurut-urut kemaluanku hingga keluar mani". Ibnu Abbas berkata, "Itu lebih baik dari zina, tetapi menikahi budak lebih baik dari itu (onani)." [Hr Buchari]
tambahan pula dalam hadist:
HR. Buchari 6288
Dari Abu Hurairah ra., Nabi saw. bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Allah menetapkan untuk cucu Adam mendapat bagian dari Zina, tidak boleh tidak. Zina mata adalah melihat (wanita), Zina lidah adalah berbicara, hati mengharap dan menginginkan, dan alat kelaminlah yang membenarkan atau mendustakan dia berbuat zina".
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