About 175 million people suffer with bipolar in the world. About 50% of those in the world with mental illness go untreated. In Britain the number of mentally ill but untreated persons is reported to be as high as 75%.
About 1 million people commit suicide each year in the world. In the United States of the estimated 744,000 homeless people, up to 45% of them have a serious mental illness. Most of these mentally ill homeless people live a life on the streets and are receiving no professional help for their serious mental health issues. Suicide is the 13th leading cause of death in the world. In the United States suicide is the 6th leading cause of death.
People with mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia, unipolar, alcoholism, and substance abuse are often in despair as a result of their disorders.
Despair, trouble, and difficulties are often the trigger for suicide. Clearly those who have mental illnesses and other mental disorders are at high risk for suicide. I am bipolar, and I cannot describe with mere words how difficult the disorder bipolar is. At times, the periods of severe depression, truly can make you feel like you wish you were dead.
Add to the bipolar depression, the struggles of life, financial problems, relationship struggles and the like, and the fact that a very large percent of those with mental disorders receive no treatment, it can be understood more clearly why suicide rates for the mentally ill are so high.
Because those with mental disorders have very high suicide risk. It is imperative for those who are depressed and those who have mental disorders, to seek out and receive professional treatment. A combination of psychiatric counseling and medication when applicable, clearly does help.
There are countless stories of people who reach they feel the end of their rope, as it were, and commit suicide. In fact 1 million people every year commit suicide. That is almost 3,000 people a day. How sad! On the other hand we have the countless people with mental disorders who do seek treatment. As result of their treatment, suicidal thoughts are less rare. As result of professional treatment and finding the right combination of medication, they area able to function in society. So seeking professional help for a mental disorder can help one avoid a potential path leading to suicide. Professional help can also help you to enjoy your life despite your disorder.
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